Saturday, June 27, 2009

Free kibbles

Iranian President Ahmadinejad attacks Obama for his belated condemnation of violence against Iranian protesters, and it looks like the Iranian government is going to check ballots for fakes after all. Leading mullah calls for harsh penalties for protesters, and government-supporting militia breaking into houses and beating protesters.

Opposition leader stops calling for protests. The government finally got to him. It'll be interesting to see if these protests have taken on a life of their own. I doubt it. Obama may change his mind on meeting with Iran's leader. May? Did he watch the same violence the rest of Americans did? Is he ignoring what the tyrants are doing? Is he the only person in America too dumb to recognize that Ahmadinejad is playing him for a fool and a wussy? This incident shows how rudderless Obama is morally. He's embraced moral relativism seemingly to the point of being amoral. And his narcissism makes it impossible for him to sympathize with the victims. Murder your own citizens? No problem. I'll just scold you a little bit for show before we get together and fist bump. The Iranian tyrants are exactly who we knew they were when Obama was making plans to wine and dine them. We learned nothing new about them in this incident. Obama just doesn't care. Obama is incredibly scary. When the bigger, secondary recession hits, I hope Obama doesn't turn out to be the strong man.

Iran is using web technology to stifle dissent and track down protesters while successfully blocking nearly all electronic communications out of the country. In this case, technology seems to have aided the government more than the protesters. But that's not surprising. Governments are slow to adopt new technology, but web technology has been around long enough that governments are catching up.

Comparing and contrasting Iran to past dictatorships in crisis.

Iraqi security forces crack down in preparation for the US pullout from Iraqi cities next week.

I didn't remember that Democrats got burned by supporting a BTU tax for Bill Clinton in 1992. Let's hope history repeats itself.

I'm all for finding a mechanism to pay people not to cut down forest, but I doubt that provision in the tax and trade bill is it.

The experts were surprised that jobless claims rose last week, reminding us that those experts don't know what they're talking about. This recession is going to get worse, probably a lot worse, before it gets better.

Politics trumps science once again.
"...less than two weeks before the EPA formally submitted its pro-carbon dioxide regulation recommendation to the White House, an EPA center director quashed a 98-page report that warned against making hasty 'decisions based on a scientific hypothesis that does not appear to explain most of the available data.' In an e-mail message (pdf) to a staff researcher on March 17, the EPA official wrote: 'The administrator and the administration has decided to move forward...and your comments do not help the legal or policy case for this decision.'"

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