Friday, June 05, 2009

Free kibbles

Cato analysis shows that universal health care will cost at least $2 trillion over the next 10 years and that there are better ways to spend that $2 trillion to make people healthier and live longer than universal coverage. I don't want the government to spend the $2 trillion at all.

Pharaoh Obama to appoint a "Pay Czar" to set limits on executive compensation for companies receiving TARP funds. Only Great Pharaoh has the divine wisdom to know how much money everybody should make. While I fear for the expansion of power, these companies are getting what they deserve for making deals with the devil. I love that Obama is punishing these companies for being so stupid to ask for help from the Federal government. He's making sure that no company will be that stupid ever again, and that's a good thing because it will limit Obama's Marxist aspirations in the long run.

Obama appoints Great Lakes czar. That's like czar 4223161584. When will Obama get around to appoint a personal czar to make my life just the way Obama wants it? I'm waiting for Obama to give me meaning, direction and fix all my problems.

Microsoft will be forced to move jobs offshore to save costs if Obama follows through on his tax plan. That's Atlas shrugging.

The government just found a new way to make money - licensing tax preparers. Needless to say, that means the cost of hiring a tax preparer will go up to pay for it. As always, the aristocrats win. We lose.

Here we go again. Republicans are copycatting Democrats and forming a caucus against liberal media bias. Democrats-lite. Pushing the same flawed ideas from the other direction. Leave it alone. The market is sorting that out all by itself. All you need to do is make sure Democrats don't keep the market from working. Find a cause. Freedom would be a winner.

NASA study links Earth's temperature to solar output. Duh. But Al Gore's true believers will deny, deny, deny. Science isn't their strong point.

NRA in race to get Supreme Court to hear another second amendment case before a conservative justice retires.

Sonya Sotomayor's official questionnaire is 173 pages.

More than $23 billion in tax hikes have been proposed by states around the country. I guess state governments think that as strong as the economy is right now, we have $23 billion to spare.

I reported yesterday that Obama can't possibly know how many jobs his stimulus boondoggle has created or destroyed, so he shamelessly lies about it creating jobs. But Walmart knows exactly how many jobs it creates, and it plans to create 22,000 new jobs this year.

Government university pays $112K to chief inspirational officer who spends 2 weeks a month on campus. Or maybe I should say taxpayers pay for it.

Mises scholar claims the E-rate program is a scam.

The quicksand economy is a good name for what Obama is doing to us.

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