Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Free kibbles

This is presented as a good thing, and on some level it is, but there's something fundamentally wrong with a system which requires banks to get permission from government to pay back loans.

This man is member of al Qaeda, who we're at war with, and as such should be held as a prisoner of war, not tried in a US civilian court. That's the legal equivalent of trying all Nazi prisoners of war in US civilian courts. Why has nobody made this argument? Nobody in the Bush administration made it for 7 years. Nobody is making it now. This argument is simple and consistent with history and legal precedent.

Just in case anybody forgot that the North Korean government is a dangerous, evil dictatorship pursuing nuclear weapons, NK threatens a nuclear offensive. I'm sure my buddy at Cato will call for calm, soothing rhetoric as a response.

Boortz has more details on Obama's pay czar.

Because the people of California rejected the outrageous tax increases pushed at them by government aristocrats, the government is having to come to grips with it's prolifigate spending on unions, pitting unions against the Democrat government. This is kind of harsh reality that should always be forced on government by the people. Will California eliminate welfare? That would be awesome.

Apparently Salon is printing myths and non-myths about Obama and calling them all myths. Salon still hasn't come to grips with reality. It looks like the today show is speading the myth that Obama uses the teleprompter as a crutch.

This is the kind of health care Obama and Democrats want to force on Americans. This is the model they hold up for Americans to follow. British stroke victim dies when ambulance driver reroutes from hospital to depot because his shift was over.
"Patient care is our number one priority and we treat any action which falls short of the high standard expected of our staff extremely seriously."
That's a lie. The NHS routinely refuses treatment for patients because of costs. It's SOP. Pharaoh Obama wants to do the same thing to Americans.

More insight into the horrible nature of socialized medicine in Canada from Canadian doctor who used to be a socialized medicine kool-aid drinker.
Ironically, as the U.S. is on the verge of rushing toward government health care, Canada is reforming its system in the opposite direction. In 2005, Canada's supreme court struck down key laws in Quebec that established a government monopoly of health services. Claude Castonguay, who headed the Quebec government commission that recommended the creation of its public health-care system in the 1960s, also has second thoughts. Last year, after completing another review, he declared the system in "crisis" and suggested a massive expansion of private services -- even advocating that public hospitals rent facilities to physicians in off-hours.

And the medical establishment? Dr. Brian Day, an orthopedic surgeon, grew increasingly frustrated by government cutbacks that reduced his access to an operating room and increased the number of patients on his hospital waiting list. He built a private hospital in Vancouver in the 1990s. Last year, he completed a term as the president of the Canadian Medical Association and was succeeded by a Quebec radiologist who owns several private clinics.

In Canada, private-sector health care is growing. Dr. Day estimates that 50,000 people are seen at private clinics every year in British Columbia. According to the New York Times, a private clinic opens at a rate of about one a week across the country. Public-private partnerships, once a taboo topic, are embraced by provincial governments.
Canada is going in the right direction. America is going in the wrong direction.
In the United Kingdom, where socialized medicine was established after World War II through the National Health Service, the present Labour government has introduced a choice in surgeries by allowing patients to choose among facilities, often including private ones. Even in Sweden, the government has turned over services to the private sector.

Americans need to ask a basic question: Why are they rushing into a system of government-dominated health care when the very countries that have experienced it for so long are backing away?
Kool-aid drinker blames plane crash on global warming.

Obama's tax and trade scheme will cost every American family $12,000. Obama plans to create a new energy cost entitlement for poor people to cover some of the costs. And the climate won't be effected one bit. Changing the climate is not the goal of this bill or the global warming power brokers. This is all about seizing power and money from the people.

The Department of Energy fails its own energy audit. You might think that's funny, but it really just shows what scam this global warming nonsense is. It isn't funny. It isn't sad. It isn't outrageous. It's evil.

Robert Murphy shows that even using the global warming alarmists' own numbers, outrageously exaggerated numbers, the cost of Obama's tax and trade scheme is greater than the cost of global warming itself.

This so appropriate, I quoted it directly from Neal's Nuze:
The headline here says it all: "Obamanomics: How Stupid Do They Think We Are?" Hey, they educated us. They know how stupid we are.

The WSJ explains Obama's phony claim to have saved or created X number of jobs.
"The expression 'create or save,' which has been used regularly by the President and his economic team, is an act of political genius," writes Mr. Mankiw. "You can measure how many jobs are created between two points in time. But there is no way to measure how many jobs are saved. Even if things get much, much worse, the President can say that there would have been 4 million fewer jobs without the stimulus."
Obama is a genius at misrepresenting the truth.

Government has now dumped $80 billion taxdollars down the auto industry rat hole. This essay breaks down all the expenditures.

Now Democrats want lifestyle taxes to pay for health care. How much you want to bet going to church is at the top of the list of lifestyle choices they want to tax? Being heterosexual is probably second. Being married with children is probably third. Taxes, taxes, taxes. It's always more taxes. Taxes on this. Taxes on that. Taxes, taxes, taxes.

China requires all personal computers to filter out unhealthy information. Pharaoh Obama is taking notes, and you can be sure this blog will be considered unhealthy information.

Yet another study shows that public transportation is not as green as politicians and their environmentalist cohorts pretend it is.

Religious group blocked from public housing project. Somebody should get in trouble for this.

Graph shows that investment in the US has fallen off a cliff. Wow. It dwarfs the reduction in investment after the dot.com bubble burst and the 1982 recession. Investors are bearish on America. Thanks government.
One hopes that companies that are the victims of antitrust laws will be more likely to lobby against them in the future. Apparently Verizon didn't learn a lesson from its Alltel deal. Rather than opposing antitrust laws, Verizon is now trying to use these laws for its own gain.
That hope seems irrational to me. If other companies successfully used anti-trust laws against my company, it would clearly be in my best interest to use them against those companies. When government sells itself out as a weapon to be wielded by corporations against each other, you have no choice but to use that weapon or lose.

Analyzing Obama's spending, Richard Eberling follows the money and concludes Obama is handsomely rewarding unions with our tax dollars for their support of him and his Democrat co-conspirators. It's an incredible scam. Unions give Democrats millions of dollars, and Democrats give them billions out of our pockets in return. Flush with billions of our tax dollars, unions turn around and give even more millions to the Democrats for the next election. It's all payed for with our tax dollars. And the aristocrats pretend we have political freedom. Includes list of Unions and how much they donated to each party.

Comparison of 26 desktop CPUs.

Both Google Wave and Microsoft Live Mesh sound cool.

It seems to me that sucking water out of desert air would make the air more arid and would expand the desert. Why is this a good idea? Maybe it would be so localized that it wouldn't have any significant affect on the overall desert but could create a manmade oasis.

Reason explains why GM and Chrysler are cutting dealerships and laments government interference. Unfortunately we still don't know if the dealers were selected on the basis of success in the market or for political reasons. Democrats are concerned and ask Obama to stop them from cutting profitable dealerships.

I just read a copy of a surreal letter from Steny Hoyer and Democrat representatives to President Obama regarding Chrysler and GM dealership closings. Instead of businesses making their decisions and living with the consequences, people now look to Pharaoh Obama to make those decisions. You can just imagine these representatives walking up great stone stairs with their heads bowed to where Pharaoh Obama sits on his throne in his jewelry with a big staff in one hand and eating dates with his other preparing to entertain their request to select different car dealerships to close and those poor representatives hoping Obama doesn't decide to destroy them for their insolence for asking. To think that this is what America has come to is putridly mind-boggling. In the case of Chrysler, this is pure, unadulterated fascism. In the case of GM, this is pure, unadulterated socialism. But mostly it reeks of pseudo-divine rule.

Now congressmen like Barney Frank are pressuring GM into keeping facilities in their districts open. The whole time the aristocrats are talking about not wanting to run GM, they're running GM. This is not the country I grew up in.

Creating a libertarian community on the sea. I don't see how this addresses the fundamental problem that inspired the idea - every individual being able to get up and move with virtually no cost. I bet this guy is getting a lot of attention since Obama took over.

"Obama is above the country, above the world, he's a sort of god." That's what the editor of Newsweek said. And you wonder why I call him Pharaoh Obama. I think I'm going to puke.

Outline of Ted Kennedy's version of health care tyranny.

Obama's stimulus boondoggle has failed so far. But most of the money won't get spent until next year. It never had a chance of doing anything this soon.

Sotomayor busted for hiding controversial document regarding death penalty from Senate. She's not only lawless. She's dishonest.

Congressmen are picking up the phone and pressuring banks to renegotiate mortgages. This should be illegal. This is more banana republic type stuff.

Democrats want to get rid of highly successful school voucher program in Milwaukee so that students will be forced into failing government schools then onto welfare where they're guaranteed to vote Democrat.

Ayn Rand gets the last laugh. A lot of good that does us.

"Hurricane Katrina victims around the Gulf Coast who were told to vacate their temporary trailers by the end of May will instead be allowed to buy them for $5 or less, White House officials announced on Wednesday." Plus $50 million in permanent housing vouchers. We're insane.

This article is the contains the best real world explanation for why the Fed's policies can never fix our economic problems. Dumping money into the system always perverts the bond market and always creates inflation as soon as the economy shows signs of recovery. We learned that in the '70s. We learned it again in Japan in the '90s. Yet we're not only repeating those mistakes, we're repeating them on a titanic scale.

Kofi Annan's latest climate change alarmism propaganda is "worse than fiction. It's a lie." Imagine that.

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