Monday, February 02, 2009

Short, Sweet email to Senators

Letter to my Senators:

Stand firm against the Obama stimulus boondoggle.

The current economic crisis was created by a perfect storm of irresponsible policies - Greenspan's loose monetary policy, forcing/encouraging mortgage companies to make loans to people who couldn't afford them, and the income tax which rewards debt and punishes savings. Bush and Congress made the problem significantly worse with irresponsible bailouts. You might have read that Lehman Brothers, the company that was allowed to go bankrupt, is hiring. If government had left well enough alone, the people would have already turned this recession around.

Don't make the crisis even worse with another irresponsible $900 billion spending bill.

I'm one step again again. Boortz is reporting that Congress isn't hearing from the people about this bill, and that gives it a chance to pass the Senate. He's encouraging people to contact their senator and kill this pig.

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