Monday, February 16, 2009

Free kibbles

New York swimming in taxpayer dollars thanks to Obama's stimulus boondoggle.

Government taking over computerization of health care records is harming patients in Great Britain and will harm patients in America. Google already provides this service, as does Microsoft. Get the government out of my health care.

Tamil Tigers using human shields.

Don't you worry your pretty little head about socialism. We'll be fine with a lower standard of living like Britain and France. Could this essay be any more patronizing and sickening?

I just finished Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt, and I recommend it for anybody, even if you already have some knowledge of economics.

In case you didn't know of enough reasons why government registration of guns and concealed carry permits (versus freedom to carry concealed) are a bad idea, Memphis newspaper publishes the names of every concealed permit holder in Tennessee. Now criminals can stake out the homes and steal the guns of all these people. This is your government and the liberal press in action.

Republican Lindsay Graham is entertaining the idea of nationalizing banks. Maybe we should implement a 2 party system in the US instead of this 1 party with 2 names system.

I can see the positive uses of a drug that suppresses the emotional part of a fearful memory, but I'm far more scared of the abuses than the benefits. Fear is a critical emotion for human survival.

Obama replaces Tom Daschle with Rahm Emanuel's brother. Not only is Chicago-style corruption alive in well in the White House, nepotism is as well.

Norman, Oklahoma city council unanimously approved a law forcing defendants in littering cases to prove their innocence instead of having prosecutors prove their guilt. Surely this will be overturned by the courts. Right?

Obama's tax cheats will likely inspire many more Americans to cheat on their taxes. I bet the complexity of the law could be used in a defense, so Obama's tax cheats may make it harder to prosecute other tax cheats.

How much you want to bet taxpayers payed for this woman's fertility service?

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