Sunday, February 22, 2009

Free kibbles

After doubling the deficit in a year, President Obama claims he'll cut it in half in 4 years. So what? Then it will be back down to where it was when he took office. Is that supposed to be some kind of accomplishment? That's like an arsonist burning a building to the ground, then expecting people to applaud when the arsonist says he'll rebuild it. And he has no intentions of meeting this goal anyway. It's just rhetoric to appease some misguided moderates.

This is how pathetic the aristocrats of both parties have made our country: Hillary Clinton begs the Chinese to continue buying US debt. Why do we repeatedly vote for the same 2 failed parties that are destroying our country? How stupid are we?

Cool video showing how the credit crisis happened. It ignores a lot of government's role in creating it for the sake of simplicity, but it makes clear the whole thing is triggered by the Fed lowering interest rates.

We've long known that one of liberals dirty little secrets is they don't want low gas prices. For those few misguided souls didn't believe, liberals are raising gas taxes. This takes money directly out of our economy, making our economy weaker and hurting the poor and minorities most of all. That's what liberals want. To make more people poor and to keep the poor and minorities voting for the same Democrats who harm them so badly. The cost is not one large cup of coffee a week. The additional cost is one large cup of coffee a week. The total cost is already way higher than it should be because of government interference in the markets.

Militants in Swat valley kidnap Pakistani official. How's that appeasement working out for Pakistan? Maybe they'll stop kidnapping officials if Pakistan gives them access to nukes.

North Dakota House passes bill granting full human rights to fertilized human egg. I bet it has trouble exercising free speech and the right to keep and bear arms. Who would have ever guessed that the majesty and power of human beings and the human experience could be trivialized to a single cell. Nobody confuses an apple for an apple tree, and we shouldn't confuse the seed for a human with a human.

I applaud Obama for fixing these 4 bogus accounting tricks Bush used to make the budget look better than it was. That budget we kept seeing was better looking budget? ;) But don't get too excited. Obama isn't isn't doing it right either since he didn't require that standard best accounting practices be used by the government. The government has been cooking the books for a century, and Obama isn't putting an end to it.

Obama continues to support many war on terror policies from the Bush administration. This is a good thing. Prisoners of war have no recourse to our courts no matter what the courts say. They have no power to interfere in the waging of war. But I'm sure liberals are scandalized. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

I'm intrigued by the argument, though. They differentiate Afghanistan from Guantanamo by calling Afghanistan a theater of war. So if Bush had kept all the terrorists in Afghanistan instead of Guantanamo, Obama wouldn't be grandstanding about shutting down anything. This isn't a principled difference. It's just demagoguery against Bush.

Pentagon report demanded by Obama claims Guantanamo meets standards for humane treatment set out in Geneva Convention. Liberals proven wrong yet again.

Republicans already making robocalls. I guess they think they lost the last 2 elections because of lack of robocalls. That should turn things around for them. We've entered the never-ending campaign phase of self-destruction.

Obama has no CEOs in his cabinet. That would jive with Obama's Marxist roots, but his policies so far show he's a huge supporter of corporate statism. Statism must only be the means to the ultimate end of implementing Marxism for him. Barring violent revolution, the road to serfdom, Marxism, is a process, and Obama is accelerating that process. But after what Sec. Paulson did to our economy, who would trust another like him anyway?

County makes man take down sign saying "One nation under Obama" because the country only allows businesses to have 1 free-standing sign and this was his second. They make it sound like this a violation of freedom of speech, but it's not a violation of free speech in the way this article presents it. If this was the only sign he put up, the county would have had to leave him alone. But I wonder why the county has a one free-standing sign limit in the first place. That rule itself seems like a violation of every business owner's freedom of speech and freedom to pursue happiness.

Good for Bobby Jindal for refusing specific aspects of Obama's stimulus boondoggle money that will harm the people of Louisiana by paying people to not work. He was smart enough to accept the money that might benefit his citizens, since Obama and Democrats forced them to pay more than they'll ever get back. This is an intelligent position that serves the people of Louisiana and makes a smart political statement.

Obama is officially bigger than Jesus. I wonder how that will work out for us.

Republicans introduce bill that would force ISPs and WI-FI hotspots to keep logs for 2 years. Government can't stand that the internet is basically a free market zone. It's far and away the most free economic segment in the US, and that's why it's the only thriving market segment in the current economy. Obama's broadband stimulus is the way government intends to get its boot on the internet. Federal money is always poisoned by strings. Leave our internet alone.

Forbes explains that while government has driven the private sector economy into the ground, the is no recession for government employees. Government jobs are growing and wages and benefits are significantly higher than in the private sector even though every one of them is paid for by the private sector. It's impossible to believe just how stupid our government at every level is. It's insane. It's unsustainable. The result is inevitable and rapidly approaching economic collapse. And we have nobody to blame but ourselves for empowering these destructive aristocrats.

Ann Coulter describes just how ridiculous the presidential rankings by historians (liberal academics) really are.

Recommended reading about the Great Depression from the Mises Institute.

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