Monday, February 09, 2009

Free kibbles

Newsweek cover proclaims "We are all Socialists Now". We can thank Bush and the Republicans and conservatives who empowered him for this. During 8 years of poisoning the free market system with burdonsome regulations, irresponsible government spending, appointing Bernanke head of the Fed and Paulson Sec. of Treasury, then the coup de grace of the TARP program, Bush opened the door for Obama and Democrats to stampede through. This is Bush's legacy. I think I'm going to puke.

Here's the rundown of the socialist activities of the TARP program so far.

Mises scholar explains how Obama's policies are like Bush's policies on steroids. They're the same policies, only bigger and more damaging, and with different politically connected groups as the recipients of taxpayers' looted wealth.

New Gallop poll show 67 percent of Americans approve of how Obama is handling the stimulus boondoggle. The poll from last week showed 44 percent of Americans preferred tax cuts and only 37 preferred spending increased spending. What both polls tell us is that the mainstream media is once again misinforming the people about Obama's plan. Obviously many people still believe the lies that Obama's plan is cutting taxes.

Boortz reports that the third RINO supporting the senate stimulus boondoggle compromise is Olympia Snowe. It wasn't hard to guess.

Teachers unions upset that Dept. of Education spending growth was cut from $150 billion to $100 billion. How will they survive with only a $100 billion more than last year? Oh, the humanity.

President Obama signs executive order requiring all federal construction projects to be unionized. This is discrimination. Non-union workers should file suit against this.
The Associated Builders and Contractors has already come out against the executive order. The organization claims that union-only project labor agreements increase construction costs between 10% and 20%. It also says that it discriminates against the 84% of construction workers that chose not to join a labor union.

Speaking out is a good first step. Now file a lawsuit.

Even the AP thinks Obama is being partisan. Buyers remorse is getting deeper for liberals.

Yet another fine article explaining how government created the financial crisis. Not only did government create the crisis, but government's response to the crisis made it severely worse. This has been explained so well and so many times, only the most zealous followers of religion of liberalism deny it.

If you don't use your computer for much Microsoft Windows 7 will be fine for you, but if you run more than 3 applications at a time, as many of us do, especially developers, too bad. You have to pay more for that privilege.

Liberals have heard that socialized medicine means that health care will be rationed. They know that the socialized medicine plans in other countries ration care and leave people to die. They just don't care right now. They're not using their brains on this issue; it's a purely emotional drive. But as soon as they can't get the treatment they want when they want it, they'll scream bloody murder. By then it will be too late.

John McCain calls the Democrats' stimulus boondoggle "generational theft". I'm with Boortz. Where was this during the campaign? I can't come up with any explanation other than McCain choked under pressure. Now that the pressure's off, he's being effective. Our system excludes great leaders in favor of mealy mouthed wimps who spend most of their effort trying to make sure they don't say anything to piss anybody off instead of cutting to the heart of matters and communicating clearly.

The buy American clause - pure protectionism - in the stimulus boondoggle is a good way to start a depression.

Al Gore continues to lose the battle over defrauding the American people. 54 percent think global warming is overhyped. Overhyped is quite the understatement.

It's kind of ridiculous that somebody has to write an essay explaining that Wall Street bonuses, incentives for top performance, are good for financial business and therefore good for everybody in the country. But the angry mob that incorrectly blames Wall Street for our financial problems is spouting such irresponsible crap, that I'm glad the WSJ said it. The title isn't going to win anybody over though.

Why do I care that Obama's choice for the number 2 spot at the Justice Dept. represented porn magazines? I don't. Nobody should. This is just another example of a distraction from the substance of government the 2 parties use to keep America divided and angry and keep themselves in power.

I strongly agree with this Mises scholar about SI printing the story that A-Rod used steroids. For the record, A-Rod admitted using a banned performance enhancing substance. My first thought was who cares? Non-athletes uses substances to boost their memory and cognative abilities all the time. Why can't athletes use substances that boost their physical abilities? Second, who are these four unidentified creeps that broke the confidentiality agreement? Those guys should be hounded until they're forced to live under rocks.

When did our society get so worthless that confidentiality agreements don't mean anything any more? That your word doesn't mean anything? That honesty and integrity don't mean anything? Remember when 2 wrongs didn't make a right? Why isn't there outrage over those leakers breaking the rules? I can understand A-Rod using steroids. It made him better at his profession, just like cognative boosters make others better at theirs. A-Rod has a powerful incentive. The rule he broke is unfair and an affront to freedom. But what about the leakers? Did they get better at their profession when they broke the rules? There's no excuse for leaking this information.

And what about the role of the press? A responsible press would not encourage people to break confidentiality agreements. A responsible press would never have printed this story, and would have instead published the names of the creeps who leaked it.

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