Sunday, February 01, 2009

Free kibbles

The US government employs nearly 2 million civil servants. Obviously that doesn't include military. I wonder if it includes security people.

Despite isolated incidents of violence, including the murder of 5 candidates, and registration problems 51 percent of potential Iraqi voters turn out to vote.

Iranian President Ahmadinejad, still on the offensive because of Obama's weakness, says Obama's offer to negotiate shows the failure of America. He's right. We should have taken out Iran's nuclear facilities by now, but liberals undermined that policy so successfully that it became impossible. Now we're on the verge of the Mullah's building a nuclear weapon and using nuclear extortion to stay in power.

Paper claims to have a picture of Michael Phelps taking a bong hit. If true, this should destroy the case against criminalizing marijuana forever. The war on drugs is based on the lie that Americans can't do drugs and continue to excel in life. As debilitating as drugs are for a few, most Americans have tried drugs, many do them recreationally, and still excel in daily life. Let's hope this helps end the war on drugs.

The anti-human underbelly of the green movement is showing. Green leader says couples should be limited to 2 children. According to the green movement, humans are a blight on the planet, except for the greenies themselves of course. I don't see them committing mass suicide to save the planet. They just want the rest of us to die.

US salvage company discovers wreck of HMS Victory sunk in 1744.

Phelps acknowledges he was smoking pot. Too bad he didn't take a stand for marijuana legalization.

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