Friday, February 20, 2009

Free kibbles

Netanyahu to form Israeli government.

I read some headlines about monkey cartoon, but never read the articles. I didn't realize people were saying that it was racist attack on Obama. Apparently, any time you use a chimp in a cartoon, it's a racist slur. Who would have known a chimp was something other than a chimp? We have 4 more years of this to put up with this baloney.

Blacks have replaced the n-word with "president" instead. But don't say it if you're white. This sounds like a hoax, but I don't think it is.

CNBC analyst gets fired up against Obama's socialist policies and proposes a Chicago Tea Party. This is a very entertaining video, and this is the kind of stuff we need from the people on TV. The analysts have to point out the emperor has no clothes. Stocks are down 176 so far today. That Obama's quite the savior.

I just went to the WHIO website to listen to Boortz, and out of the 8 local headlines, one is about a coach having sex with a 9th grade girl, one is about a man hiring a 14 year old boy for sex, and one is about an elementary school teacher who is also a prostitute.

Cato puts our current economy and Obama's plans in historical perspective, and it isn't pretty. From this quote, I think Cato has been reading my blog:
If [Obama] raises taxes, including just letting the George W. Bush tax rate cuts expire at the end of 2010, his actual economic policies will be like those of the first President Bush, but on steroids.

This podcast makes me certain Cato is reading my blog:
We had a financial crisis and what happened? Did the incumbent Republican administration say, now’s our chance to implement Milton Friedman’s program and privatize and deregulate? No, they did what governments always do: they expanded their own powers at the expense of civil society, and so in that sense, Obama’s just doing the same thing that Bush did. We could call this the Bush-Obama era.

When disaster strikes, government gets larger. But most disasters, like the Great Depression and the current recession, are caused by big government. Big government drives a destructive spiral.

Cato suggests we fight a smaller war in Afghanistan, simply taking on the radicals when they try to take over the country, because it's unlikely we'll ever create a true nation given that region's history. This is an interesting idea. Karzai's government might (or might not) grow to encompass all of Afghanistan over time, but trying to make that happen with US troops would be terribly expensive and there's a good chance it will never work. This is a very different situation from Iraq, which had long been a unified country.

I always hesitate to throw out the word fascism because that word has been so polluted and emotionally charged, but fascism has a definition - government control of the economy by monetary means, regulation, and partial ownership of businesses, thereby government planning the economy. Private-public partnerships, by any other names, are just euphemisms for fascism. This Mises scholar has no hesitation to use the word fascism or pull any other punches. This is a fantastic read. The truth hurts.

CNN breaks down all the different flavors of bailouts necessary to save auto-makers and totals them up to $130 billion. Stop the madness and let companies fail. The people want change, they voted for change (even though Obama was a never a candidate for change - just more of the same, but worse), but all we're getting is statism.

Obama meets with mayors to tell them he's going to carry out strict oversight of stimulus. I guess mayors better make sure they only spend it on buying votes for Democrats or the suffer the wrath of Obama.

It turns out that Iran has produced more nuclear material than previously thought, and has enough to produce a nuclear bomb. Oops. Guess the intelligence community screwed up again. Fortunately this isn't weapons grade uranium, but the raw enriched uranium which could be used to produce enough weapons grade uranium to build a bomb.

It's not clear if homeowner can't make payments, or just won't because the home value is not less than the outstanding balance on their mortgage.

Author points out the hypocrisy of Republicans complaining about spending money we don't have. No kidding. But they're in the right now. They flip-flop whenever they get power, and we should certainly expect that in the future. At least Democrats can be trusted to irresponsibly spend money we don't have - they run on that every election (except for Clinton because the Reagan Revolution was still in action). Republicans can't be trusted to be fiscally responsible.

Even the mainstream media has noticed that now that Democrats are in power, they suddenly don't care so much about Katrina victims. It's easy to be the minority party and just attack all the time. It's hard to govern.

Carter supports Obama's stimulus boondoggle. Did we need any more proof it would be a disaster? I bet Obama is trying to gag that fool.

So how come Mr. Transparency hasn't released this letter from Hamas delivered by John Kerry?

Czech President, current president of EU, compares the EU to the Soviet Union. Good for him. This is the same EU that liberals want the US to emulate.

Google finds Atlantis! Not really.

Mexican police chief of Ciudad Jaurez resigns amid threats. I spent several enjoyable nights in that town, and enjoyed it immensely. I would love to go back except for the threats against my life if I did. This civil war is no longer low grade, imo. This is the real deal, and we're funding every dime of it with our irresponsible war on Americans, Mexicans, Afghans, and anybody else who gets in the way. This civil war is almost entirely the responsibility of the US government. The police in Mexico can't protect their own. President Obama - end the War on Drugs today!

This story is a frigging sham. The Washington Post want us to believe that Obama did something to lower mortgage rates. As stupid and dishonest as the mainstream media is, surely Americans understand that Obama's mortgage bailout boondoggle isn't law yet. It hasn't changed anything. This is just a case of Obama's cheerleaders at the Washington Post trying to help their Messiah out by covering up that his every action is driving down the stock market (down another 100 points today) and driving our economy into deeper and longer recession.

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