Saturday, November 22, 2008

Free kibbles

There's nothing complex about dealing with pirates. Sink their ships. End of problem. The international community has plenty of ships to swiftly destroy these pirates. But it shouldn't even be that complicated. It seems to me we could dedicate a few predators to this problem and charge the owners of each ship we save to fund the project. Ransoms just encourage the pirates. Appeasement never works.

By the time Obama is inaugerated, Iran will have enough enriched uranium to make a nuclear bomb. Allowing Iran to get this far illustrates the abject failure of both parties and the international community. The failure of both parties and all our allies to make it clear to Iran we will bomb their nuclear program into the stone age if they continue enriching uranium has led us closer to going to war with Iran than ever. Our world is being run by self-serving aristocrats who are totally unwilling to do the right thing for the people they govern.

What Obama wave? Democrats had a wave, not Obama. Obama dramatically underperformed the generic Democrat. The press is trying to rewrite the history of this election already.

There's no doubt that Obama's plans to further damage our economy by raising capital gains, passing card check, further socializing the health care industry, raising taxes on job creating small businesses, raising taxes on the wealthy people who create jobs, carbon cap and trade policies, etc. are driving down stock prices, leading to layoffs and deepening the recession. Nobody wants to put their money in the market because they think Obama's plans will drive the market down further and they're waiting for the bottom. For all of you who thought it couldn't get any worse, Obama's already damaging our economy, and he isn't even in office yet.

Picture of a ballot
challenged by Al Franken shows just how far Democrats will go to steal an election.

I'd like to see the link to Boortz's claim, but I believe it. Pew Reasearch reports that Europeans wanted to see the US weakened. Europeans also supported Obama for president. Obviously, they thought Obama would weaken the US. They got their wish, but I doubt they'll like the consequences.

Now the federal government is bailing out regional retail stores. It's an epidemic.

Canada has forced airlines to charge the same price for people who are obese or handicapped and take up more than one seat. That's absurd.

The press realizes that they and Obama has set expectations so high that he can never meet them, and now they're trying to bring those expectations back down to earth by saying it's likely Obama will make some bad nominations.

Cornell University identifies yet another error in the global warming computer models that makes them overestimate the effect of CO2 on the environment.

Commercials aren't responsible for making kids obese. Parents are.

Contrary to what Obama says, Bill Clinton supported the deregulation movement of the '90s led by Republicans that powered a strong economy ever since except for the government created and housing bubbles and 9/11. On the other hand, regulation skyrocketed during Bush the Democrat's presidency. This is a great read showing how Clinton officials, many of whom now advise Obama, and Clinton himself credit their bipartisan deregulation efforts with a strong economy - completely at odds with Obama's regulatory rhetoric.

Funny satire of the failing Republican party coming to Washington and asking for a $25 billion bailout.

Reason author says all Republicans have to do to win back the White House is wait. Forget all the hand wringing and finger pointing. Despite the terrible approval rating of Bush, the historical nature of Obama's candidacy, the financial crisis, McCain being older than dirt and running a crappy campaign, McCain still got over 46 percent of the vote. The economy will likely be worse in 4 years and voters will kick out Obama. While all this is true, I hate this advice. This is how we get business as usual politics, and that will lead to the collapse of America.

How spineless Republicans caved on the bailout.

Ann Coulter reminds of us of how much Bush bent over to work with and be friends with Democrats. And what did that get him?

Michelle Malkin points out that when the right loses elections, they behave civilly and debate what happened and how to go forward. When the left loses an election, they protest, riot and burn stuff. In a related essay, Thomas warns about a creeping new entitlement mentality on the left - the right to win. Leftist candidates never lose on their own. They lose because somebody cheated them so they're entitled to victory no matter what the vote count says. We saw that in 2000 in Florida, 2004 in Washington, and this year in Minnesota.

Great interview with Robert Novak.

Gay activist gets government to force E-Harmony to promote homosexual relationships. That's wrong. Government has no business interfering in businesses like that.

Pat Buchanan chronicles how government and unions crushed the auto industry. Buchanan likes to rail against free trade and globalization, but in this essay he strikes at the root problem - government. We can't have both globalization and such tremendous government interference in our economy. But the solution is not protectionism. The solution is to rein in government. Adopt the FairTax. Cut government spending in half. Cut government mandates and regulations in half.

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