Monday, November 10, 2008

Free kibbles

Secret order gives military authority to attack al Qaeda all over the world. Why do we need a secret order for that? Congress' declaration of war authorizing the use of military force against terrorists after 9/11 gave US forces all the authority they needed to fight al Qaeda and its affiliates anywhere in the world.

The AIG's bailout has reached $150 billion. It's an abomination that the people in government who created the credit crisis - Dodd, Frank, Bernanke and Paulson, and the people in business who fell for it, the CEO and management of the Wall Street firms including AIG CEO Edward Liddy, still have their jobs. We are just sitting idly by and watching these crooks rob us blind. AIG is up 63 cents on the news, meaning that this new bailout kept hundreds of millions of dollars in the AIG's management's pockets that they would have otherwise lost. The compensation restrictions don't compare to the value of management's portfolios.

Obama plans to transfer Guantanamo detainees to the US. How long until they get released and attack the US?

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