Sunday, November 02, 2008

Free kibbles

George Will suggests that if Obama wins Tuesday, we compare the results against the Democrat victories in 1964 and 1976 to determine how bad it is. Will's proposal is an apples and oranges comparison. I'm sure he doesn't want to think disaster could be near, but it could well be. Most of today's Republicans are so liberal, they would have been Democrats in 1976 and 1964. George Bush would have been a Democrat compared to Reagan. Our government is outrageously larger and more oppressive than decades ago. Also, we are facing an impending entitlement crisis that has the potential to bring down America harder than the collapse of the Soviet Union. Will's comparisons are invalid. If Obama wins in a Democrat landslide, we could pass the point of no return for America.

Here's an interview with Obama in which he explains his cap and trade plan to combat global warming is designed to bankrupt anybody who builds a coal power plant. We get over half of our electricity from coal. Can you imagine what will happen to the price of energy when Obama's plan starts bankrupting those plants? Of course, McCain also has a cap and trade plan, probably less onerous, but just as misguided. This is the kind of stuff that has come from the great man-made global warming scam. This is another reason why voting for the 2 parties is suicide.

Part 1 of interesting video of Barack Obama and Rev. Wright and others talking about black liberation theology and Louis Farrakhan talking about Nation of Islam theology and calling Obama the Messiah. The video has a small amount of narrative explaining black liberation theology and showing the similarities to the Nation of Islam. I just thought Wright was a loon. I had no idea radical black Christians were identifying themselves with the Israelites looking to tear down the walls of white power, and that Obama was a leader of that movement, at least in Chicago. Part 2. Part 3. I thought it was bizarre when Obama said in that interview that his salvation was tied to the salvation of black America, but this took it from weird to really creepy. Mixing bizarre religious extremism, racial extremism, and political extremism is super scary.

Amazon's wayback machine, an internet archive, has reports that Obama was a member of the New Party.

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