Thursday, October 30, 2008

Free kibbles

US economy shrank during Q3. If it shrinks again in Q4, that will officially be a recession.

New Foxnews poll shows Obama's lead nationally shrinks to 3 percent, 47 - 44. I wonder what the effect of Obama's 30 minute infomercial will be. It earned positive reviews in Washington, so it may well have backfired on him with the people.

In an MSNBC article, Howard Fineman advises Barack Obama to lie about his agenda. He says all the talk about sweeping change, the end of capitalism, the end of Reaganism, and a new New Deal scare undecided voters. It ought to scare anybody, and nobody should fall for Obama's moderate baloney. He didn't get the most liberal voting record in the Senate because he was more moderate than rest of Democrats. Unfortunately, Bush, Rove, Cheney and the Republicans killed the Reagan Revolution. We can't blame Demcrats for that.

Ohio allows homeless people to list park benches as addresses so they can vote. The correlary to that is, a homeless person can have as many fake IDs as he can find park benches because the address can never be checked. Ohio is the king state of voter fraud, and it's worse this year than ever.

1996 meeting when Obama was a member of the Democrats Socialist party where Obama laid out his plans to implement Marxist policies in the US.

Politico admits its liberal bias, then rationalizes it into no bias at all. Huh? Fair does not mean balanced. Just tell it like it is. Give us all the information on Obama that you've been hiding for 2 years like you've given us all the information on McCain. Do you really think the LATimes would withhold a tape of McCain celebrating a spokesman for the PLO at a going away dinner with a domestic terrorist?

Nancy Pelosi thinks we're dumber than dirt. After leading the most divisive, do nothing Congress in history, Pelosi says Congress will be more bipartisan if Democrats win large majorities. But liberals will probably believe that. I'm sure they blame the partisanship on the minority party. Make of that what you will.

Congressmen got 13 percent wealthier in 2007. Modern aristocrats, like all aristocrats throughout history, take care of themselves at the expense of the people. The great thing about America is that we can get rid of the aristocrats through a voter revolution. We don't need to take up arms. So let's vote them all out on Tuesday and vote in third parties, OK?

Democrats accuse Republican of profiting from purchasing foreclosed houses and reselling and renting them. That makes sense. Democrats want to make earning a profit a crime. They don't want people to engage in win-win economic activities.

Business executives support Obama over McCain. That's because big business and big government go hand in hand. Big business must be protected from entrepreneurs and competition from small business to continue to rake in huge profits. Big business always supports big-government and more regulation to protect them from the little guy.

Obama and Biden keep redefining "rich" down. Once they get into office, it will mean everybody not on welfare.

Snow and record low temperatures in the Carolinas. It's as cold here in Oct as I can remember.

Family posts video of break-in on YouTube because police didn't catch the criminals.

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