Thursday, October 09, 2008

Free kibbles

A $700 billion bailout plan wasn't socialist enough for Bush and Paulson. Now Paulson is considering buying stakes in banks. Bush and his Democrat friends are following the path of Depression era Italy and Germany. This is what Putin did to control of Russia too. The American people have nobody to blame but ourselves for electing socialists year after year and decade after decade for the last 100 years.

Banks are not making loans because interest rates are too low. Nobody wants to make a risky loan without a reward. Therefore credit is drying up. But the Fed lowers rates again anyway. Socialism is begetting ever more socialism on the Road to Serfdom. It's stunning to me that Hayek laid out the road so perfectly, and knowing all about it, we're choosing to go down that road anyway. And when we're all destitute, people will have the gall to wonder how it happened. It's like driver purposely driving over a cliff, then asking how it happened. Obviously the Fed can't allow a bunch of bank failures. Obviously the Fed has to loan money. But it doesn't have to lower the interest rates.

Prosecutors violate discovery rules and present false evidence in Sen. Stevens corruption trial. Corrupt prosecutors prosecuting a corrupt senator probably in front of a corrupt judge. Welcome to the USA.

Republican House whip calls for investigation into ACORN. Way too late to affect the election.

After ignoring the Obama/Ayers partnership for months, McCain finally runs a weak ad about it 25 days before the election. Too little. Too late. The problem isn't that Obama and Ayers are associates, buddies or that they worked together. The problem is Ayers and his radical partners recruited Obama to be another radical partner because they felt he was the best person to implement their $100 million radical education agenda. This ad fails to make that point.

If we're so short of capital, and that's causing the financial crisis, why hasn't government eliminated the capital gains tax? If coordinated, global action is needed, why hasn't every western country eliminated the capital gains tax? Because the bunch of socialists in Washington and their counterparts around the misnamed free world would never consider that.

McCain has moved to the left of Obama by suggesting we spend $300 billion paying off bad mortgages. McCain is out Marxisting the Marxist.

Sensing a victory, liberal author begins saying the things that pretty much every liberal thinks, but know will cause them to be defeated on election day. These are only 4 of the scary things:
  • "I think Karl Marx had some valuable insights into capitalist economies!"
  • "The Second Amendment does too allow government to ban handguns."
  • Higher gas prices are good because they make everybody bike and take public transit like they should!

  • America isn't the greatest nation in the world. We think it is only because it's our country. Duh!

  • Let's bring back the era of big government.

  • What's so great about the Judeo-Christian tradition?

  • We're undertaxed. Look at Europe!

  • America won't be the world's most powerful nation forever. And you know what? Handing that responsibility off will be a relief!

  • America's official languages should be English and Spanish!

  • "If Israel isn't out of the occupied territories in six months we'll cut off all aid."

This is what we're going to get if Democrats win. And it's almost as bad if Republicans win.

The presidential debate format sucks, and as a result, the debates are boring and useless.

Nancy Pelosi wants to call congress back in session so she can put us $150 billion deeper in debt. These people are amazing. That we vote for them is even more amazing. Stop the madness.

John Stossel is unhappy about the bailout. We all are. Except for the Wall Street firms who get bailed out and the politicians who just grabbed the largest single chunch of power from taxpayers in history. Great links. He shows that credit had not dried up as we were told, just irresponsible credit.

The CEO pay caps in the bailout bill have no teeth and are useless anyway - those CEOs already have hundreds of millions of dollars and tons of stock - stock that US taxpayers are keeping higher than it should be because of the bailout.

It's good to know the chambers of commerce don't favor Democrats. That puts small businesses with the oil companies as the only 2 segments of the economy that Democrats don't have in their pockets.

Stanley Kurtz explodes Obama's latest lie that he never worked for ACORN. Bill Clinton was a shameless liar. Clinton has anti-personality disorder and doesn't care what happens to anybody as long as he gets his way. Obama is a dangerous liar. He has a radical anti-American agenda he's covering up.

Indianapolis has 644, 197 people eligible to vote, but it has 677,401 registered to vote. Obama brought in 12,000 new registered voters this weekend. He's getting his $800,000 thousand worth of voter fraud out of ACORN. It would be funny if Obama wasn't so dangerous.

Beer is a better investment than stocks.

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