Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Free kibbles

Even though the American people resoundingly rejected this socialist bailout bill, the Senate plans to pass it tonight anyway, in hopes of forcing the House to accept it. The American are demanding that Washington implement free market solutions to end this crisis, but Washington doesn't want free markets. It's wants more socialism. Senate passes bailout bill 74-25.

Theory suggests the Earth may exist in a low mass bubble in the universe.

This excellent article exposes the major role ACORN in Chicago played in creating the subprime crisis. The leader of the movement was Madeline Talbot, and she had Barack Obama train her staff on how to shakedown mortgage companies to make subprime loans. He also shows how the organizations Obama chaired, Woods Fund and the Chicago Annerberg Challenge, intentionally masquareded as non-ideological organations while funding radicalism that even the hard left shunned. Obama's Marxist. A revolutionary, and he's still carrying on that masquarade today. This is an amazing read.

McCain says Obama's policies are bad for the economy. Did he just figure that out? He didn't feel like pointing that out all summer?

These Missourians are not happy about Obama's threats to prosecute his critics in Missouri.

Oregon gym classes redesigned to help student's self-esteem. Give me a break.

Great video compilation showing how Democrats not only blocked efforts by Republicans to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, they also attacked the regulators, lionized the corrupt CEOS, and celebrated zero down payment loans like that was a good thing. The best quote is Franklin Rains saying that the mortgages Fannie was buying were "riskless". I'm sick of people saying don't point fingers. There's enough blame to go around. I'm sure Republicans aren't blameless, but Democrats own practically every bit of blame for the subprime crisis. Those are the same Democrats, like Dodd and Frank, along with Paulson and Bernanke, who were at best asleep at the switch and more likely up their eye-balls in creating this crisis along with Congressional Democrats, who are pushing this $700 billion bailout down the throats of the American people against our will.

Republicans propose an alternative bailout plan that's not a huge socialist power grab. Funny that I had to read an Indian newspaper to find out about it. I'm writing my representatives and asking them to support it.

Courts overturn Ohio's 30 day law for voter registration, allowing voters to register and vote on absentee ballots on the same day.

It's ridiculous that the moderator for Tuesday's debate is coming out with a book in which Obama is the primary focus on inauguration day. It's so obvious she should recuse herself, it's painful. Could you imagine of one of the news people from Foxnews had a book about McCain coming out on inauguration day? Liberals would burn down the debate hall.

John McCain claims that the president could do this bailout without Congressional approval because the Treasury Dept. has $1 trillion to play with without Congressional approval. Huh?

Nice essay explains that centralization of banking and credit is a tenant of Marxism, and that's exactly what Paulson and the Democrats want. Author also explains the difference in monetary policy of Friedman's Chicago school of economics and the Austrian school. This essay explains perfectly what we're seeing here - loose monetary policy created a feeding frenzy of an economic bubble, and when that bubble inevitably corrected, no amount of easy money or government intervention in the financial markets can turn those bad loans into good loans and any attempt to do so prolongs and deepens the crisis.

Thomas Sowell wonders why we allow the same people who engineered this credit crisis to engineer a solution that is no solution at all.

Author of this alternative plan to resolve the credit crisis is 1 of 166 economists who sent a letter to Congress opposing the bailout.

Crazy frightening video of Obama youth singing his praises. It can happen here.

Is anybody surprised that unions pay millions of dollars to the family members of union chiefs?

This video that Time-Warner tried to ban from YouTube explains the subprime crisis in an excellent, easy to understand fashion. Whoever did this put a lot time into it and did a great job. Too bad it degenerates into McCain campaign commercial in the last minute. The information was great, and the partisanship will just reduce the number people who bother to look at it. Anybody who thinks capitalism or free markets caused this problem could learn a lot from this video.

George Will says that deficit spending of government reflects the love of deficit spending by the people who are equally irresponsible with credit.

History is passing judgment on Paul Bremer's decision to disband the Iraqi army. It was a bad decision.

Thomas Sowell explains that golden parachutes are worth it to companies because they are far less expensive than keeping the CEO around. Why not just fire him? Why should there be internal battles or court struggles? Government.

Boortz has several segments about how voting for the bailout will cost McCain the election. He also agrees with me he ruined all the momentum he got from nominating Sarah Palin, and his only hope, longshot that it is though anything could still happen, is for Palin to save his butt once again.

Both Biden and Palin did great. Palin wasn't able to pull McCain's ass out of the fire this time. His support of the Bush/Paulson/Pelosi/Reid/Obama bailout has sunk him. He's toast.

Ohio Supreme Court overruled Dem. Sec. of State Brunner and ordered board of elections to accept absentee ballot forms from McCain without a certain box checked. I don't know the laws in these things, but if form says "check the box for an absentee ballot", and the box isn't checked, why should the board of elections send an absentee ballot? Maybe the forms are confusing, but how confusing can a checkbox be? This is like Florida Democrats wanting to count votes with hanging chads. If vote can't clear the chad, the vote shouldn't count. If a potential voter can't check a box for an absentee ballot, one shouldn't be sent. If a potential voter can't produce ID, he or she shouldn't get to vote. It's good to insure voters show a little more capability than zombies.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:41 AM

    More Bill O'Reilly type crap from this blog.

