Monday, October 06, 2008

Free kibbles

It didn't take long for the market to figure out that bailout is bad for the economy, not good. Dow drops below 10,000 for the first time since 2004. Dow down 800. Remember the 771 point fall that led to the biggest socialist bailout in history? How'd that work out for us?

President Bush said he didn't want to rush into the $700 billion bailout. Funny, that isn't what he said last week when he was demanding Congress pass the bill immediately and with no debate. What a surprise that Paulson picked an undersecretary of treasure, formerly of Goldman Sachs to head up the bailout.

This financial crisis kind of scary because Hoover was a liberal Republican who's liberal policies helped spark economic problems, and the people turned to socialist FDR who turned those problems into the Great Depression. Then we had liberal Republican Nixon who's liberal policies sparked economic problems in the '70s, and the people turned to the much more liberal economic policies of Jimmy Carter and drove the economy into the ground. Now we have liberal George Bush at the start of an economic crisis, and the people very well could turn to the most radical Marxist candidate in American history who will almost certainly drive us into another depression. A comparison to 1929.

Forbes analysts explain that everything the government has done has made this credit crisis worse from originally lowering interest (that makes banks less likely to make loans) the panic of the bailout legislation (that destroyed confidence in the economy). Government is always the problem, and every time government tries to solve the problems it creates, it creates even bigger problems. Stop the madness and let's get government out of our economy.
In response to Palin's attack on Obama for his long-time work with Bill Ayers, Obama brings up the Keating 5. I doubt Obama mentions that McCain was exonerated. Obama put up a Keating 5 website. He must have had it prepared already, just waiting for McCain to mention Ayers.

This SNL satire of the bailout is pretty darn accurate. They definitely captured Bush the Democrat.

Barney Frank's partner was an architect of the subprime mortgage crisis at Fannie Mae, and Frank worked to block oversight and deregulate the government sponsored entity. This is one of the reasons I called for Frank's resignation before the bailout along with Dodd, Paulson, and Bernanke. Now the damage is done.

Boortz notes Palin's linkage of Obama and Ayers. The mainstream media calls this attack racist. There's nothing they won't stoop to to get Obama elected. Before the election, the mainstream media will be out kidnapping McCain voters to try and help their guy.

Apparently John McCain isn't making the case that Democrats support of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the CRA are responsible for the credit crisis because his campaign believes the American people aren't smart enough to understand it and that McCain isn't smart enough to make a concise argument. Liberals won't get it because they're religion blocks them from seeing simple facts, but the American people certainly would understand the problem. But McCain is throwing free markets under the bus.

Blaming deregulation is dangerous because nobody is championing the free market right now. This guy is mistaken on one point - the reason institutions bought those toxic mortgage securities is because they were implicitly backed by the government through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Despite Joe Biden making significantly more money than the Palin family, the Palins have donated more to charity in the last 2 years than Biden has in the last 8. Those Democrats are so compassionate.

Obama is now lying about ever working for ACORN. Basically, he's claiming the subsidiary of ACORN he worked for wasn't a subsidiary of ACORN. Obama learned from Bill Clinton how to lie like a dog and use the mainstream media to cover for him. McCain should attack Obama's work for ACORN every day and make Obama explain it every day. That's a winning issue for McCain.

Obama votes the Democrat party line 97 percent of the time. That's what Democrats call reaching across the aisle and uniting the country.

Why did it take decades for Medicare to stop paying for medical mistakes?

I don't really care that flourescent bulbs are worse for the environment than incadescents. They're cheaper, and that's why I buy them. Some entrepreneur will come up with a way to disposes of them safely and make millions in the process. Everybody will win.

I don't like this idea of a National Day of Prayer at all, but I don't see how it violates the establishment of religion clause because it doesn't establish a religion.

Learning (spelling) can make children feel like failures, so this British school will no longer make students do it. Why make them learn at all, since anybody who fails at learning will feel like a failure. Maybe schools just just make children and teachers recite "I am wonderful" all day long and get rid of the learning stuff all together.

In the wake of the credit crisis bailout, a crisis caused largely by Democrats with the CRA and their protection of the corruption in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Thomas laments that the blame has mistakenly been placed on Bush and deregulation and free markets instead of on the socialist policies that actually caused it. He wonders if facts matter any more. Facts don't matter to liberals because they are blinded to them by their religion. Sure, media bias is a problem too, but even McCain and Palin are railing against the greed of Wall Street instead of the policies of Democrats that caused the problem. Honest people who care about the facts have no home with either party.

14 supposed lies Biden told in the debate. Since they're chronicled by the McCain campaign, I'm dubious. And that's a problem. Even interested voters can't separate the truth from the reality in those debates. I'd like to see them reaired with non-partisan fact checks between each exchange. Unfortunately, that would give far too much power to the fact checker, which would corrupt him or her too.

Dick Morris's lionization of Sarah Palin's performance in the debate is a little over the top.

Author wonders if Karl Marx or the Marx brothers are in charge in Washington. A lot of both.

The Ayers/Obama Chicago Annenberg Challenge doled out $100 million. Obama implemented Ayers's radical vision. McCain should say, "Mr. Obama you have $100 million connection to Bill Ayers, and you implemented his radical American-hating vision in the Chicago Annenberg Challenge."

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