Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Free kibbles

Bush claims $250 billion bank rescue plan "is not intended to take over the free market, but to preserve it." Don't you love it when socialists pretend their socialism is for the good of the (nonexistent) free market? And people believe them? We know what the road to hell is paved with. Now Paulson plans to buy stock in thousands of banks. This guy thinks he's the sole central planner of our economy. If you're a shareholder in a big bank, the government has chosen to make you a winner. If you're not, the government has chosen to make you a loser. It's hard to say this is the beginning of the end of freedom in America because we've been losing freedom at an ever increasing pace for a long time, but this is the biggest jump in loss of freedom in nearly a century.

Pat Buchanon smacks readers right in the face with a big dose of truth. Government spending will be cut regardless of our wishes. This cut forced on us by our creditors will be devastating because we surrendered our power to control a reduction in federal spending long ago. I would say it's going to be ugly, but that's such an understatement, it's worthless. I've tried to explain to anybody who would listen that we can't fight terrorists, the Chinese, or the resurgent Russians if we're broke. Nobody listened. I've said that entitlements will destroy America, but it looks like recent events are going to destroy American even sooner. America, it's been nice knowing you, and I thank you for everything except your blind devotion to the 2 parties which are destroying us.

Did we really need a federal judge to order Ohio to check voter registration? This is Ohio, where generally anybody can vote under any name as long as they're wearing pants, so yeah.

McCain to offer new economic plan. It's like these guys didn't know our economy was in dire straits. I have the same economic plan I always had - adopt the FairTax and the cut the size and scope of government in half. That's a better economic plan than all the other plans combined. The FairTax alone would create an economic renaissance the likes of which we've never seen in America. If we cut government spending, regulation, mandates, etc. in half, I think we could see 8 percent sustained growth in the US economy.

It took me a few tries to find an article that pointed out that the latest Congressional sex scandal involves a Democrat. The first article I read labeled Pelosi as a Democrat, but not the congressman in question, Florida Democrat Mahoney. The article was basically trying to make Democrats look good for calling for the investigation while covering up that the person being investigated is a Democrat. The media instinctively try to cover up for Democrats. This guy replaced Mark Foley. They're all doing it.

Toledo blade editor believes that Americans have a right to a job where they live. In other words, it's the responsibility of government to provide jobs wherever people choose to live. Live on top of a mountain? Government must find a way, at taxpayer expense, to provide you a job there. This guys it nuts. Where did these weirdos get this bizarre notion of what a right is? Had to be government schools.

Literary critic speculates that Bill Ayers was Obama's ghost writer for Dreams of My Father. If true, liberals wouldn't bat an eye. They embrace Obama and Ayers. This kind of speculation shouldn't pass for analysis.

Obama campaigned for and supported a Kenyan opposition candidate who is a Marxist, promised to make Islam the one true religion in Kenya, implement Sharia courts and the whole nine yards, and who supported genocide. Obama said this is the kind of change Kenya needed, and it's the kind of change he wants to bring to America. But liberals will vote for him anyway. Obama is the most dangerous major candidate in history, and liberals love him for it. Support for Obama shows the moral bankruptcy of liberalism.

2o major policies on which Obama agrees with Bush the Democrat. Obama is a recent convert to some of these - since he won the loony left beauty contest in June.

We can only hope that homeschooling will skyrocket if Obama wins. Why wait? Our schools are dangerous enough now that every parent who can should homeschool.

It shouldn't take hundreds of esteemed economists to condemn Obama's tax plan to convince voters not to vote for him, but it sure helps. But 47 percent still think Obama's tax plan is good for the country anyway. Decades of a government monopoly on education is paying off for Democrats.

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