Thursday, April 26, 2007

Free kibbles

Congress barely passes retreat and defeat bill for Bush to veto. Al Qaeda, Iran and Democrats are overjoyed.

Carbon offsets are a fraud. Rationality in the global warming debate. Scientists demand changes in skeptical global warming film. This is great news, because it means that the global warming conmen are finally addressing the skeptics. That will give the skeptics even more press to make their case. Responding to overblown alarmism, scientists consider changing the weather to affect global warming.

Yet another push to restrict violent programming on TV.

Lawyers for prisoners of war at Guantanamo asked to be restricted. Duh. Why do these prisoners of war have lawyers anyway? Liberals.

New Hampshire becomes 4th state to legislate civil unions.

Oakland refuses to cooperate with immigration officials.

White House admits political briefings. There's no problem with this unless officials used their government offices to assist candidates like the Clintons did so overtly, illegally, and to great success. While the Clintons got of scott free and Hillary gets to run for President despite her many crimes, you can bet Bush will be hounded by this even if they didn't government power to help their candidates.

Putin is unhappy with Europe and NATO being able to defend themselves. If Russian missiles really could avoid our anti-missile missiles, Putin wouldn't be so upset.

Gonzales and the Peter Principle. This is a function of cronyism.

Christopher Hitchens attacks Islam as part of a greater attack on all religion.

China plans "women's town" where women punish men. I'm sure lots of guys would love that.

Joe Lieberman makes a great argument why we should not leave Iraq. Hugh Hewitt suggests that a Lieberman defection may save us from defeat by the Democrats. Lots of great references to other articles in this essay.

Excellent analysis of al Qaeda. Victor Davis Hanson says we need to continue fighting the war on terror.

The Supreme Court examines McCain-Feingold again. Maybe they'll get it right this time.

George Will reviews book which wonders if we're creating a monster in China. Nice to see the mainstream is slowly catching on, but will it be soon enough to stop a hot war? The more we enrich China, the more we empower the totalitarians running the country. We didn't defeat the Soviets by enriching them. Without all the US money and investment in China, the government would likely have fallen already. With all that wealth from trading with us and technology they steal from us and bribed from Bill Clinton, they're building a large military to challenge us.

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