Sunday, April 22, 2007

Free kibbles

Al Gore may be preparing to enter the Presidential race. I hope he does. If Gore enters, the media will have to fulfill it's opposition role, and the human caused global warming con will be exposed as well as Gore's personal hypocrisy on the issue. Skeptics will no longer be cut out of the debate, and the myth of consensus would be exploded. If Gore runs, it would inadvertently become a great victory for intellectual honesty. Those politicians are so disconnected from reality, that Gore probably doesn't even know his candidacy will backfire in his face.

Border Patrol growth worrisome. I can't help but laugh. Liberals think they can just double or triple the size of our special forces - which is impossible if they are to really be special, but adding 50% to our border patrol is worrisome. As intellectually dishonest as liberals are, this does highlight the stupidity of the Bush plan. As long as we keep inviting illegal aliens here with job opportunities and benefits, border security is doomed to fail no matter how many or how good the agents. All we have to do to stop illegal immigration and get the vast majority to go home on their own is dry up the jobs and benefits. They won't come here without jobs or benefits, nor will those already here stay.

Blue Angel's pilot crashes and dies at airshow.

High turnout for French election. Conservative to face off against socialist. This is a big test to see if France wants to survive or implode.

Britain to issue arrest warrants for three former KGB agents for poisoning Alexander Litvinenko with Polonium 220. At least they aren't coddling the tyrant of Russia.

British seaman mocks his Iranian captivity.

Google offers service to track every website user visits.

Media protesters dressed as rats at White House Correspondents Dinner.

VT student survivor stories. Mass shootings have increased with increasing gun control, just as logic dictates. It's a lot easier to shoot a lot of people when nobody can shoot back. When a citizen shoots back, the mass murder stops.

Not bad advice for dealing with a murderer, but don't grab the gun barrel. You can't hold onto it when he fires. It'll turn your hand to hamburger right before he kills you. Grab the grip or the wrist to control the weapon.

Flexible hours and telecommuting to combat global warming. Now there's a good idea whether it affects global warming or not. It will reduce car wrecks, injuries, fatalities, and real pollution from cars, improving quality of life for everybody. Of course, we've known this for a decade and haven't made much progress.

How concealed carry saves lives and gun control gets people killed.

Mark Steyn recognizes that gun-free zones are the products of people out of touch with reality.

Ralph Peters explains the effects and dangers of overextending our army.

Self-fulfilling defeatism: article claims Chirac was right about Iraq. It's easy to say, "see, I told you it would be a failure," when you don't join in. Had we had stronger European support, another 25,000 troops from Europe, and more heads in the debate than Bush and Blair, Iraq might have been a success already. "We're going to lose, so we won't fight... Because we didn't fight, we lost. Told you."

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