Thursday, April 19, 2007

Free kibbles

Reason points out that gun control left Virgina Tech's students and faculty defenseless, a fact well known and taken advantage of by the mass murderer and all murderers. The solution is obviously to allow citizens to exercise their natural right to effective self-defense, a right protected by the 2nd amendment, but liberals will call for more gun control so they can make even more people defenseless and inevitable victims. Families upset about NBC broadcast.

Supreme Court upholds federal ban on partial birth abortions. Partial birth abortions should never be allowed, but my copy of the Constitution doesn't grant the federal government any powers to deal with it. This looks like conservative judicial activism to me. This issue should be left to the states, or, if we want the federal government involved, we have to amend the Constitution.

Only a paranoid schizophrenic could think the right is winning on guns and abortion. 32 people, forcibly disarmed by the loony left, were easy victims for a mass murderer. Except for gun control, that maniac would have been stopped right away - a clear victory the left that wants to leave everybody defenseless against such murderers. Liberals forced those 32 victims to be defenseless, they're proud of it, and they want the same for everybody else.

The Supreme Court stopped the murder of babies partially outside the womb, and this freak calls that a victory against abortion instead of calling it a victory against murderers. Crazy. In order to avoid the abortion debate, I used to joke that abortion should be legal until the child was 12. Abortion fanatics on both sides would leave me alone. But I think plenty of liberals really want it that way. We know they want to kill babies outside the womb and call it abortion. What's a few more years of development? Sick.

Democrats prepare to compromise on Iraq funding bill - make time-tables advisory. They should done that to begin with.

Gonzales testifies. Gonzales' unacceptable incompetence blew this whole thing out of proportion, and he should be fired for that, not for firing the attorneys.

Legislation to overhaul the patent process.

All of Europe has their hands out wanting our missile defense shield. That way they don't have to take any strong measures against Iran.

China's economy may be overheating.

Chinese create artificial snowfall. And we're worried about life-giving CO2 affecting climate. While Republicans and Democrats fiddle, the Chinese are advancing.

Top climate scientist says that humans are not causing climate change and that we are not facing a climate crisis. Skeptics can't get fair hearing.

More evidence of the natural ebb and flow of climate, as if we needed more. Naturally this will be twisted into alarmism by human-caused global warming con-men.

Scientist urges end to practice of cremation. Any intellectually honest individual fearing CO2 caused global warming has already renounced the practice, but intellectual honesty is not a liberal value, so I doubt many have.

About DNA and prosecutorial bias.

Government subsidies to bring businesses to town. I have a better idea: adopt the FairTax at the federal, state, and local level.

So much for government use of red-light cameras.

I have a bug report into forumsdot to get the lostpolitics message-board back up. It looks like a number of their boards are getting 404 errors today. No comment yet from forumsdot. At least 4 boards are down, and still no response from forumsdot at 10:24.

Boortz on the Virginia Tech student's mental health problems.

Mark Steyn takes on the passivity culture.

Dick Morris says Hillary is in trouble because people don't like her. How long have I been saying that? (I did say she would win the Democratic nomination, and I stand by that. But she'll get creamed in a national race.)

Lower the drinking age back to 18. It was stupid to ever raise it and create a disadvantaged underclass at colleges.

How Congress is hiding its earmarks.

Thomas Sowell says Mike Nifong knew the Duke lacrosse players were innocent all along.

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