Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Free kibbles

Man locked up because he has drug resistant strain of TB, and failed to carry out doctor's orders to limit the public's exposure.

Europe stock markets valued higher than US markets.

Pelosi's trip to Syria undermines US policy. The Constitution grants the power to carry out foreign policy to the President, not Congress. Thomas Sowell agrees with me.

Bush warns that US troops will be affected if they don't get funds soon. Has votes to sustain veto. Dick Morris says Democrats will lose this battle and suffer a split that may allow Republicans to keep the White House.

Our government officials do get power from the people, but Bush's firings didn't abuse that power. We elected him to carry out his crime fighting policies, and he can replace US Attorneys to better address his priorities. If the people don't like his decisions, they have a mechanism for replacing him - elections.

Reason on campaign financing via Foxnews.

China threatens India at Summit.

Iran still holds the 15 British hostages.

Belgium to impose tax on grilling to fight global warming. Pretty soon they'll tax us for breathing. The real goal of the global warming con-men is taking power from people. Soon they'll regulate our breathing. Background on Supreme Court's ruling forcing EPA to consider CO2 a pollutant. We're all polluters with every breath we take.

African aids patients refuse medical treatment in favor of holy water. I guess you can't expect people who believe in holy water cures to use condoms.

40,000 year old human remains found in China.

Herman Cain says that Democrats are lying about repealing the alternative minimum tax.

Ralph Peters takes on not only the weakness of the British government, but the weakness of the captured servicemen themselves.

Reformed terrorist attempting to liberalize Islam is stymied by liberal moral relativism.

Ian Bremmer says that no new Cold War is on the horizon, but he defines Cold Was so narrowly that his claim is meaningless. China and Russia together are waging a new Cold War against the west and the US right now, different from the last, but a Cold War nevertheless.

Dick Morris

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