Wednesday, August 06, 2014


Police kill man with rifle in Beavercreek Walmart.
"Officers did not release details about the shooting by early Wednesday, but the Montgomery County Coroner's Office confirmed they have a shooting victim from the Tuesday night shooting."
This sounds iffy. When police believe they are justified, they usually say so early and often. When they don't say anything, they're usually trying to figure out the best lie to tell.

Cops chase vehicle until it crashes, endangering lives.

Sheriffs holding suspected illegal aliens longer than law allows at request of ICE.

State coerces juniors and seniors into government prison-schools for longer time.
"“Attendance is now accounted for by the hour rather than the day,” said Andrea Cook, secondary curriculum specialist for Springboro City Community Schools. “Allowing students to participate in early release or late arrival significantly would reduce our district’s funding. … Therefore, late arrival or early dismissal in the place of study halls is no longer an option for our juniors and seniors.”"
This will harm their education even more.

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