Monday, August 25, 2014

Federal Reserve

I don't think this is this complicated.
"On the one hand, the Fed insists the economy is expanding and all is well. If this is true, then the Fed should allow interest rates to normalize, i.e. be unleashed from the Fed's financial prison and allowed to rise to whatever the market of borrowers and lenders sets as fair in the current climate. But the Fed also insists that it cannot allow rates to rise. If this is true, then it means the economy is weaker than the Fed would have us believe.
These are contradictory, but the Fed would have us believe both conditions are true. The Fed's job as the authority figure is to convince us the economy is expanding at a healthy clip, but interest rates cannot be allowed to rise because the economy is fragile and ill."
Their just lying.

ECB to do its own QE.

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