Sunday, August 31, 2014

Health Care

Prestigious journal sides with statin critics against big statin advocate which keeps its statin data secret.

Why most research is false.
"“There is increasing concern that in modern research, false findings may be the majority or even the vast majority of published research claims,” he wrote, and went on to describe in meticulous mathematical detail exactly why most of the studies that see the light of day are deeply flawed."
I bet he didn't same socialist and fascist funding.

Apparently our hunter-gatherer ancestors didn't die from wounds as easily as everybody believes.
"If you think you have it tough, consider Kennewick Man. The early American lived nearly 9,000 years ago and was likely in constant pain. He suffered from one injury after another, and his lifestyle offered little time for rest and recovery. "
A human couldn't survive that without modern medical intervention today.

Spanish police arrest parents for taking their son from a British hospital without the consent of doctors. Who is raising this child?

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