Saturday, August 30, 2014


The Israeli-Hamas war is supposedly over.
"After 50 days, the war is over. Hallelujah.
On the Israeli side: 71 dead, among them 66 soldiers, 1 child.
On the Palestinian side: 2,143 dead, 577 of them children, 263 women, 102 elderly. 11,230 injured. 10,800 buildings destroyed. 8,000 partially destroyed. About 40,000 damaged homes. Among the damaged buildings: 277 schools, 10 hospitals, 70 mosques, 2 churches. Also, 12 West Bank demonstrators, mostly children, who were shot.
So what was it all about?
The honest answer is: About nothing."
It was about something. It was about Israeli and Palestinian rulers gaining more power and more wealth.

Motive for the war in Ukraine.
"Despite what you might have heard or read over the last six months, the goings on in Ukraine have virtually nothing to do with democracy or Putin’s supposed desire to reconstruct the Soviet Union, and everything to do with the US need to eke out a few more years of world hegemony by sowing chaos among the nations, or emerging coalitions of nations, it sees as having any ability to put a check on its now largely unchecked military and financial power."
The US, and to a lesser extent its EU allies, was the aggressor.
"As Putin’s advisor, Sergei Glaziev, said in a wonderfully succinct manner a few days ago, this is all about the US desire to destroy the peaceful, and until now, quite mutually beneficial set of relations between post-Soviet (and post-Yeltsin) Russia and the nations of the EU.
Why would the US want to do that?
Because the idea of an increasingly integrated economic space stretching from Lisbon to the Kamchatka Peninsula, scares the daylights out of the geopolitical strategists in Washington and New York, as well as their friends in the London poodle pound."
So far, it's working.

Just the other day, the news was reporting that Ukrainian forces were crushing the secessionists. Today we hear the rebels have enjoyed a string of victories.

Ukrainian government talks about joining NATO. That would be nuts.

The reason the US stopped talking about the downing of the Malaysian airliner over Ukraine is it was downed by Ukrainians.

Western rulers have lied and lied and lied about Russian activity in Ukraine.

I bet this report is a lie too.
"But Ukraine military spokesman Andriy Lysenko told journalists in Kiev that Russian tanks had entered the small Ukrainian town of Novosvitlivka on the border with Russia and fired on every house."We have information that virtually every house has been destroyed," Lysenko added, without giving details on when the reported attack took place. Ukraine's daily military briefings typically cover the previous 24 hours."

What would anybody gain by doing that?

The US conflict with Russia in Ukraine is about protecting king dollar.
"Notwithstanding its undeniably great accomplishments of the past hundred years, the relationship of the United States to the rest of the world is parasitic. This is because it creates money and debt instruments out of nothing, requiring virtually no effort, which it then swaps for goods and services with other countries. Because the US dollar is the global reserve currency, it is able to rack up astronomic deficits that would be untenable for any other country. US debts are now at such levels that if the US dollar loses its reserve currency status, the United States economy will implode and it will quickly be reduced to the status of a banana republic – hence the sense of urgency in the face of growing threats."
Fortunately, that can't happen real fast. Unfortunately, it could play out over decades, depressing our economy the whole time.
"Any state that moves to opt out of using the dollar as a medium of exchange is dealt with, forcibly if deemed necessary. The tactics are threefold – economic blockade (sanctions), the funding of an internal revolution, perhaps assisted by US special forces, and an outright military invasion, or perhaps a combination of the three. This is what happened in Iraq and Libya, both of which planned to trade their oil in currencies other than the dollar. Perhaps the greatest irony of all is that the world’s savings, via the Treasury market, are used to fund the vast US military machine with its hundreds of bases spread across the world which forcibly makes sure they stay yoked to this system."
It is ironic, but it's also inevitable.
"A sad irony for the American people is that even though the US has the ability to swap unlimited intrinsically worthless paper for goods and services from the the rest of the world, the infrastructure of the country is crumbling and many Americans already live in poverty on “food stamps”, and even the great US middle class is being squeezed. This is because the elites don’t care about the country or the masses – all they care about is power and the amassing of personal fortunes."
That's not ironic.

Iraqi forces recapture two towns from ISIS. I predict a few thousand fanatics with a penchant for cutting off heads by the hundreds won't hold any appreciable territory for any appreciable time.

ISIS is blowback from America's wars in Iraq and Syria.

NATO attacked Libya to stop Qaddafi's plans for a gold dinar to rival the dollar.
"Gaddafi did not give up. In the months leading up to the military intervention, he called on African and Muslim nations to join together to create this new currency that would rival the dollar and euro. They would sell oil and other resources around the world only for gold dinars.
It is an idea that would shift the economic balance of the world."
Can't have that.

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