Saturday, August 30, 2014


British man attacks MP. Governments have pushed people to their limits, and some will fight back.

In order to be free at home, Americans must not allow the government to create an empire abroad.
"If Americans want a free society at home, then they must convince the U.S. government to give up its global empire. The militarized police recently on display in Ferguson was no freak coincidence: Antiwar activists and other civil libertarians have been warning for decades that an aggressive US foreign policy would eventually destroy domestic liberties. Americans can’t ask their government to subjugate foreigners with bombs but bow to their own wishes at the ballot box.
As obvious as the above statements seem to me, according to a recent article Daniel McCarthy apparently would disagree. This surprised me, because McCarthy is editor of The American Conservative, a magazine that has tirelessly reminded US right-wingers that true conservatives don’t go abroad in search of monsters to destroy, and that nation-building is a progressive hobby."
All true.
"Specifically, if you allow your government to maintain an empire abroad, then you can’t possibly expect a free and open society at home. This fact is staring us in the face as police departments across the country accept the surplus military equipment used in foreign occupations."
And being forced to use it or lose it.

Ron Paul bribery scandal. This is stupid. Politics is all about making money, and people buy support and votes all the time.

Why in the world would the business community have ever had confidence in Obama to lose?

Anti-EU party in Britain trounces conservative, incumbent party, though the same guy who had the seat won it again because changed parties. Now many are expected to change parties. So the same people will be in office, but their party affiliation will change. I doubt this is meaningful. It's sounds more like political expediency.

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