Sunday, August 03, 2014


How's this for some DDN propaganda?
"A city that takes pride in opening its arms to immigrants finds itself in a strange position: possibly rejecting Central American children who face a return to their own violence-torn countries."
If you change the term "violence-torn countries" to families, this sounds positive instead of negative. These children belong where they came from with their families. It's immoral and illegitimate to force Americans into integrating with them. It's also immoral to threaten people with violence based on what they put in the bodies, and ending the war on drugs would go a long way toward ending violence in Central America, Mexico and the US and in reducing the infrastructure for shipping illegal aliens into the US.

If the local economy is so good, how come Dayton's income tax revenue is less than predicted? Default is coming to Dayton too.

Dayton bans smoking in Cooper Park in preparation for banning it everywhere in public. Let my people go.

Riverside socialists purchased an office building, and now it can't find tenants.

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