Thursday, September 12, 2013


Washington D.C. mayor vetoes bill that would have required big box stores like Walmart to pay a minimum wage of $12.50 an hour.
"Welp, it looks like the little guy lost this time. The Large Retailers Accountability Act, a law that would have required big box retailers to pay their workers a whopping $12.50 an hour in Washington, D.C., was vetoed earlier today by Vincent Gray, the city’s mayor. Why? Because Walmart had threatened to not open “six new Megastores” in the city if it passed.
Gray, who had been ever-so supportive of Walmart’s plans for new D.C. stores called the act a “job killer.” He was, of course, praised by Walmart spokesman Steven Restivo for “jobs, economic development and common sense over special interests.”"
Gray is right. How is it possible don't understand this?

California to raise minimum wage to $10 per hour.

This argument about net neutrality is misguided. The major problem with cable TV is each cable provider has a government-protected monopoly. Another major problem is cable TV is the FCC has cartelized media so that only five major corporations can compete. The government is the problem, and it would be a similar problem with the internet.

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