Sunday, November 20, 2011

When will Obama send US troops into Syria?

Qaddafi has been ousted and killed. Syria is on the verge of civil war. The UK recently opened formal talks with the Syrian rebels. This sounds eerily similar to what happened in Libya  before NATO entered and killed so many people. So,

When will Obama send US troops into Syria?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think he will send US troops into Syria, he will want the Turks and the Arab League to do it and the US will supply air support, blockade the coast, supply arms, intelligence and CIA help in overthrowing the Syrian government, plus a few billion dollars to pay for this and more.

    A question to ask is if the Israelis want the Syrian government overthrown, presently its rather weak and no threat to Israel, but who knows what kind of government will take its place.
