Saturday, November 05, 2011

Free kibbles


This is one of the worst policy prescriptions I've heard lately: permanent inflation:
"What the economy needs now, contrary to the right, is a permanent monetary expansion."
In other words, what the economy needs is exactly what Greenspan delivered the last 25 years. How's that worked out for you?
"For the 25 years leading up to our current mess—the period economists have come to call “the great moderation”—the Fed did a pretty good job of stabilizing the economy."
Apparently it's worked out great for the authors. How about for the rest of you? You can't make this stuff up.

The local paper has noticed that food prices have risen in grocery stores and restaurants.


Our perpetual wars have left 90,000 soldiers unfit for combat. We're the stupidest people in the world.

Heartbreaking statistics about suicide in the military.
"You risk your mental well-being and enhance your chances of committing suicide when you become a combat soldier in the U.S. armed forces. Every 36 hours, a member of the U.S. armed forces commits suicide. The rate of suicide is 20 times that of civilians. How much mental disturbance is created among those who do not commit suicide? How much is created among family members and friends?"
Why do we empower our government to destroy young men and women like this? I wouldn't be surprised to find out that more people have committed suicide in the military than terrorists have killed in the US.


Who would have thought that Arizona's tough new illegal immigration law would reduce illegal immigration? Oh wait. Pretty much everybody. The people against the law want more illegal immigration.


Herman Cain come out unequivocally in favor of the status quo.

"Herman will “pull the right levers to turn around the fundamentals of this economy,” while “listening  to our military commanders on the ground in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.” He will "maintain our superpower status," stand by Israel, and unite with Canada and Mexico in a “strategic region.”"
Are you happy to hear that nothing of substance will change if we elect Herman Cain? Except maybe he can replace the dollar with the amero. Cain is an political inside pushing a statist agenda. What a waste.

While the press is focusing on the non-story of an anonymous, alleged sexual harassment complaint, it's ignoring Herman Cain's new, real campaign finance scandal. It's almost Clintonesque how Cain seems to be mired in corruption from every direction, but he seems to be gaining support with each new exposure. This illustrates how badly our society has been so sickened by government , and that's why our country is collapsing. It's like everybody knows that their candidate is beating his wife, but because the opposing candidate is beating his wife too, they vote tor him anyway. Then then pretend to wonder why our government is so corrupt and destructive.

Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner, two peas in a pod, busted for trading stocks which are targets of legislation before them. Remember, you and I are banned by law from insider trading, but Congressmen and their staff are not. This is an important reminder there's not a dime's worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats. They are partners in looting us.

Straw poll voters in Illinois are so fed up with their government, they overwhelmingly supported Ron Paul.


In a stark reminder of the ineptness of government, one week after the New England snow storm, government utilities have failed to restore power to over 200,000 residents. This extreme level of incompetence could never exist in a free market. Consumers would not allow it. Consumers would force such inept companies into bankruptcy. Only government can create and protect such poor services.

Great white smile my behind. This looks like the bite from hell.

Woman claims she took a picture of two ghosts having sex. Maybe being dead isn't as bad as we might think.

Jesse Ventura is moving to Mexico because it's a far more free country than the US. He's right.

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