Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Free kibbles


Thanksgiving is a powerful reminder of the triumph of capitalism over socialism.


The internet will produce a terrible new phenomenon of people who can protest something without giving up anything. In the real world, protesters must give up time, free time, work time or sleep time. Time has value in the real world. In the internet world, it takes no time to protest. Protesting is effectively free. That means millions or billions of people can protest activities online. I'm sure entrepreneurs will address this problem by creating tools that measure the protest time of individuals, but demagogues won't use those tools. This is going to suck.


Only 3 percent of EU citizens have left-wing governments. The problem in the US is that Republicans are left-wing too. They support All of Karl Marx's tenets just like Democrats. I think the same is true of conservative governments in Europe.


Fascist Europe controlled by banksters.
"Roberts is right, the monetary and political elites only like democracy when they know they can game the system and control the outcome of the election. German Chancellor Merkel, should support giving the Greek people the right to vote on the imposition of crippling austerity measures. In fact, given the EU problems today, every member nation should have a referendum on whether to stay or leave the EU since most countries never allowed their citizens to vote yea or nay on joining in the first place. My question is what kind of union is against democracy and voters having their say on important issues or where politicians bypass voters and suddenly announce new leaders without elections?"
They thought they were free too.
"Now the Greek and Italian prime ministers have been replaced by an EU coup d’etat with suitable EU candidates approved by Germany and the banks to make sure there is no question that the over taxed citizens of these nations as well as the other PIGGS will surely be taken to the EU slaughter house and gutted without delay. The Greek parliament appointed Lucas Papademos (former European Central Bank VP) and the Italians appointed (former European Commissioner) Mario Monti to replace Silvio Berlusconi. Mario is an advisor to Goldman Sachs which helped create the worldwide sovereign debt crisis and he is a leading member of the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission. Therefore we know where the loyalties of this EU Quisling puppet are and they certainly aren’t with the people of Italy."
This is where the ruling class has been taking western civilization for a century.
"This all happened before in the United States 150 years ago. I wonder if Merkel’s goal is to become the Abraham Lincoln of the European Union. After all if she "saves the union" then the loss of individual state sovereignty, the destruction and theft of private wealth and decades of resulting poverty and tax revenues used to bailout the leading European banks can all be covered up by news media and historians supported by the EU."
Wow. That's a frightening comparison. While I joked about how quickly Germans go to war previously, I don't think Germany will go to war to keep the EU together. But I could be wrong. Can you imagine the Germans teaming up with the French to wage war on the PIIGS? Here's one of the best explanations of what is happening in Europe that I've read:
"Any rational observer can see how the supposed national bailouts are actually banking bailouts funded by both the northern European taxpayers and those in the south who will be impoverished and economically crippled by the EU enforced austerity measures. When current political leaders in the PIIGS countries are unable or unwilling to sellout their nations in exchange for more loans to benefit the German and French banks, they are replaced by new politicians who will follow orders. This is quite an easy process because the EU proponents have already used graft, blackmail and funding to buy the parliaments earlier to force the nations into the EU against the wishes of the citizens."
How's that voting for either of the two ruling class factions working out for you now?


How Canadians re-discovered prosperity by dramatically reduce the burden of government.

It's rare I agree with Obama, but I don't want payroll taxes to go up either. I doubt Republicans want them to go up either. I think this is just more phony class warfare rhetoric from Obama.
""We've long said that, while we believe there are better solutions, the payroll tax cut is an area of common ground where something can probably get done," said Brendan Buck, a spokesman for House Speaker John Boeher, R-Ohio. "We'd welcome the opportunity to work with the President on this idea, as well as discuss our solutions for job creation.""
Just pass an extension and take this issue away from Obama. What are you waiting for? Why do you need to talk to Obama?

My girlfriend and I both got emails today from our big-government representative Michael Turner trumpeting that he co-sponsored the silly balanced budget amendment. As if that makes up for a decade of big government votes. As if the push for a balanced budget amendment was meaningful. I'm sure Turner will get a lot mileage out of this charade, but I'm not falling for it.


Obama threatens insurance company if it raises rates. That's very fascist of him. But it's even worse. First he passes a law that forces companies to raise rates to remain profitable, then he threatens them if they raise rates. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what's going to happen. Insurance companies are going to go bankrupt. Also, this is price fixing by intimidation. That means there will be health care shortages. All these problems created by Obamacare are by design. Once they go bankrupt and the people complain about shortages, then the government plans to force full-blown socialized medicine down our throats.


Anthony Watts does a great job cataloging the daily abuses of the global warming frauds, but he's also a self-promoter. In this case, he wants to make himself the center of what he calls Climategate 2.


Claim the New York City pipe-bomb terrorist wannabe was a NYPD patsy. That makes sense given the police had been watching him since 2009 and they claimed he was within an hour of making a pipe bomb. But he was making the pipe bombs. In the FBI patsy cases, the FBI always supplies the bombs.


This sounds like the primary reason that US rulers want to wage war on Iran:
"China and Russia, both nuclear powers, are very important trading partners with Iran. China now has very extensive oil and gas contracts with Iran. Iran currently supplies 12% of China’s oil, making Iran the third largest supplier of crude to China. The Iran/China annual trade value is expected to increase to 50 billion dollars just over the next few years. Russia and Iran trade ties have expanded to include agriculture and telecommunications, as well as energy and other goods, and Iran exports many products to Russia. Will Russia and China sit back while aggressive attacks are taking place, or will they protect their interests in Iran?"
To thwart China's growing power. US rulers don't want to compete in a free market. They don't want to trade like China and Russia. They want to dominate everything, so they start wars instead of trading.


Last night my mom said that she won't vote for Ron Paul because he can't beat Obama. I fear conservatives are going to screw up again. Mitt Romney is a Democrat posing as a Republican. He support Obamacare when it was called Romneycare. His record is unequivocally one of big government. He's such a bad candidate, Obama has a chance of beating him. Rick Perry is literally a Democrat running as a Republican. His record is unequivocally one of big government. Herman Cain was a big government central banker before he was a big government lobbyist. Newt is arguably the most unpopular Republican in the country after Dick Cheney. All of these candidates are so much like Obama, Obama has a decent chance of beating all of them. The same is true of the midgets like Santorum and Bachmann. Pretty much anybody in America could beat Obama, but these guys have the worst chance. The only candidate who is virtually assured of wiping the floor with Obama is Ron Paul because he understands the economy like no other politician and has a record of small government. They call him the taxpayer's best friend for a reason. He's the most electable Republican in the field, yet stupid conservatives say he's un-electable.

CNN gives Ron Paul some decent time in their latest debate.

New poll puts Ron Paul #1 in Iowa. New poll puts Paul at #2 in New Hampshire. This is fantastic news.

The other day I was happy to see some greatly desired hope for Ron Paul based on the polls in Iowa. Today I see more hope with this headline from Drudge:
"Ron Paul's Turn To Rise?"
Drudge is the most powerful figure in the press. This is a significant milestone. Given the time CNN allotted to Paul tonight and Drudge's elevation of him, we'll see what the people think in the next week or two. I bet he continues his slow, steady rise.

One of Obama's partners in crime, Tony Rezko, the man who arraigned for Obama's sweetheart deal on his house by Bill Ayers, sentenced to federal prison for corruption.


Jobless rates fall slightly.
"The Dayton rate dropped for the third straight month, to 10.6 percent, down from 10.7 percent in September, 10.9 percent in August and 11.7 percent in July.The October 2010 rate for the city also was 11.7 percent.
The county rate dipped for a second consecutive month to 9.6 percent, down from 9.7 percent in both September and August.
The county rate was down from 10.5 percent in October 2010.
The October 2011 rate for the Dayton metro area was 9.2 percent, the same as September but down from 10 percent in October 2010."
Wright-Patterson is keeping Dayton from being worse than Detroit.


More insight into the corruption behind the MS Global collapse.

Google is shutting down Wave. I liked Wave. Too bad nobody I know liked Wave.

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