Monday, November 07, 2011

Free kibbles


Internet privacy.


While everybody was distracted by the debacle in little Greece, Italian debt yields approached 7 percent. The house of cards is collapsing in slow motion, but it won't remain in slow motion for long. The Italian debt crisis may lead not only to the end of the euro and the breakup of the EU, it may even cause Italy to break up. The US is looking at a similar breakup in the near future.


Motorola gets court to ban iPhones and iPads in Germany. This IP stuff is out of control.


The pretense that Fed officials are independent, not politicians, continues to be exposed with a former Fed economist projected to become the new Greek PM.


Government control of education is producing a modern dark ages.


Eating more salt reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. But it's got to be healthy, natural salt.


Global warming frauds busted for lying again. This is a particularly insidious case since these guys are posing as skeptics.

The world's CO2 output has grown faster than IPCC worst case scenario. But the planet refuses to warm.


Local police profit over $300 grand from undercover operation. I guess making restitution is out of the question.

Obama seizing control of all TV and radio stations to incite three minutes of fear. Isn't it amazing our country managed to survive hundreds of years without government doing this in the past?

The surveillance state is more advanced and scary than you probably thought. Government plans for putting tracking chips into people.

In a good reminder of how corrupt our justice system is, the prosecutor and judge packed the jury in the case of Michael Jackson's doctor with fans of Jackson.
"A few said they were fans and one, the video animation specialist, said he had some interaction with Jackson when the singer was making the video, Captain EO."
Not only that:
"Nine of them have prior jury experience and one woman, a native of Spain, has served on five juries, all of which reached verdicts. She was once a jury forewoman.
A woman who has worked as a paralegal for 30 years is serving on her first jury and appeared enthralled."
I've never heard of a jury like that. They made sure the system wouldn't suffer another embarrassing failure to convict in a high profile case as happened with Casey Anthony, and the jury complied.


The goal of all wars of aggression is to enrich the ruling class of the aggressor, but that's more obvious in zombie wars.


The folly of the US government getting us involved in African disputes.
"The US will send 100 special hunter-killer Special Forces troops to Uganda, an undemocratic US ally and American protectorate. This new US force will also reportedly operate in Congo (ex-Zaire), the Central African Republic, Kenya, and South Sudan.That latter new nation is interesting because its secession from Sudan was recently engineered by Washington. Coincidentally, South Sudan has substantial oil deposits. Washington is working on a plan to build a pipeline from South Sudan’s oil fields through Uganda to the Kenyan coast, thus shutting down the current export route through Sudan, which is on America’s doo-doo list."
Here we go again.


Obama rejects subpoena for documents relating to Solynda loan. It's good to be the king.

Occupy protesters drag a police officer off his motorcycle. More of the ubiquitous violence that inevitably results from leftism:
"Zuccotti Park, the home of the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters, is so overrun by sexual predators attacking women in the night that organizers felt compelled to set up a female-only sleeping tent to keep the attackers away."
Like I predicted, these protests are dooming the leftist movement that gained so much traction during the Bush years even though Bush was leftist in the mold of LBJ.

Leftists are lynching Herman Cain for having the temerity not to bow down to them.
"In just the last week, CNN has done at least 94 stories on Herman Cain and the sexual harassment allegations.  Meanwhile, from the time that Barack Obama threw his hat in the presidential ring (February 2007) until the day he was elected, CNN only did a total of 77 stories on Obama's ties to Bill Ayers, convicted real estate developer Tony Rezko, and Rev. Jeremiah Wright."
This is a perfect illustration of the ubiquitous racism on the left. It isn't simple bigotry. It's real, virulent racism.

Claim that all libertarians are racist.

China experimenting with democracy. No system of government has ever been as successful at looting the people. The people resist looting by others, but when they labor under the illusion that they control the government, it enables unprecedented looting.


A vision of how law would work in a totally free society. It sounds like we'd have to sign contracts everywhere we went. Nobody would put up with that nuisance. I don't think you need a contract to spell out the non-aggression principle in every house or business you visit. Maybe I'm overestimating the concern. You'd only have to sign a contract once every so often. I still think there's no need to sign a contract constraining yourself to the non-aggression principle. The non-aggression principle could be the basis for all law.

Creme claims to enlarge breasts by changing fat cells. What could go wrong?

Remember that report that Muslims were complaining about Christian symbols at Catholic University? Not so much.
" seems that not a single Muslim student at CUA had gone to the District of Columbia Office of Human Rights to file a complaint."
Somebody was trying to cause trouble.

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