Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Free kibbles


Wikileaks shuts down because banking blockade cut off funding. This is another reason we should not allow government to control banking.


Obama gets the diagnosis right but the prescription wrong.
"These are problems that built up over a decade or more; they won’t be solved overnight."
Built up over a century. But Obama is piling on at an unprecedented rate.


It's funny to see the top gangsters in the EU call one of the lesser gangsters to heal for allowing democracy to work in Greece. This shows how much rulers fear real democracy. How much you want to bet Lord Geithner is either there in person or on the phone to dress Papandreou down? Regardless of what they say, this bailout won't fix anything. It will just delay the inevitable and make the correction more painful when it comes. As expected, Obama isn't happy.


Bank of America has scrapped its $5 debit card fee. We're supposed to think that government pressure saved consumers from this new fee. Baloney. Bank of America isn't giving up those profits. It has a new plan to make up that money more invisibly. We'll hear about it soon.


Tax payers in Seattle are about to be forced to pay for classes in how to create Marxist protest signs. Obama will probably send the program stimulus boondoggle money so we'll all be forced to fund it.


Leftists hate Columbus so much, they're blaming him for creating the Little Ice Age.
"Because there is no limit to the credulity of left-liberals we now have this — within a few years of the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the New World all of the following happened:
  1. a plague killed 90 million indigenous people of the United States,
  1. which in turn led to the reforestation of North America,
  1. which in turn sucked a lot of CO2 from the atmosphere,
  1. which in turn started the Little Ice Age.
Yep, it was Columbus's fault."
You can't make this stuff up.
"Of course, the irony of the ridiculous idea that Columbus caused the Little Ice Age is that, until it became utterly crazy for anybody to deny natural variation and to continue to insist upon thehockey-stick theory of climate change (that global temperature had been constant for more than a thousand years but, with the start of the Industrial Revolution, has been trending up), the AGWers were claiming there was no Little Ice Age, that the fall in temperature that was recorded by Europeans at that time was merely a local phenomenon."
But no movement is homogeneous. Frauds like this will throw any theory at the public in hopes one will stick.

More Obama green energy corruption. It's also true that Republicans, lying sacks of excrement that they are, are rooting for economic failure. But they don't have to root. It's going to happen. Economics isn't voodoo. Government spending, regulations and printing money always produce economic collapse when they get too high. Just as Bush destroyed our economy and ushered in the even worse Obama policies, Obama's more aggressive destruction of our economy will usher in an even worse Republican.


Do we really need a national test of the emergency alert system? It's hard to imagine a threat to everybody in the nation at the same time. This is just more fearmongering so the feds can gain power.


I always enjoy a good laugh at the duplicity of politicians. Here's Mitt Romney, the Republican Slick Willie, as an example:
"I asked Mr. Romney whether he would consider including qualified Americans of the Islamic faith in his cabinet as advisers on national security matters, given his position that "jihadism" is the principal foreign policy threat facing America today. He answered, "…based on the numbers of American Muslims [as a percentage] in our population, I cannot see that a cabinet position would be justified. But of course, I would imagine that Muslims could serve at lower levels of my administration.""
You can't make this stuff up. Who in the real world would have guessed that cabinet positions were gifted based on the percentage of people in the country with the same religion. Or sex. Or something. In the real world, people get jobs because they can produce better than their competitors. This article is trying to make another worthless, divisive point, but this is the more fundamental point.

I thought from the beginning that the sexual harassment attack on Cain came from Romney. I'm not the only one. Romney is every bit as dirty, phony and self-serving as Clinton. But this attack is good news for Republicans. It's better stuff like this gets flushed out in the primary than in the general election. Too bad for all of us Hillary Clinton didn't expose Obama for the Marxist monster we subsequently learned he is.

Leftists are accusing Herman Cain of being an uncle Tom. Already. He hasn't even been nominated yet. Leftists are that scared of him. I have a completely different fear. When Obama was elected, I predicted that because of his damaging, socialist policies, he would violently divide the country and inspire the greatest racial division we've seen since the 60s. I was right. Obama's devastating policies have ruined the opportunities for black Democrats for decades. He's burned the bridges and salted the ground. If Herman Cain get's elected, he won't change a thing worth caring about. He's another status quo candidate who will nothing more than changing the window dressings if he does that. If he does as I predict, Americans won't give a black Republican a chance for decades afterwards. If either Obama or Cain gets another term, because both promote such punishing policies, racial division in this country will likely explode. This sucks. Boortz is exactly right about this: leftists are ramping up to destroy Herman Cain.

"GM is Alive and Bin Laden is Dead" isn't a bad slogan, but I doubt people in food lines will hear it.

I'm skeptical of this graph showing the countries in which companies are more likely to bribe government officials to get their way. I think it's way more prominent in the US than this graph says because the US government makes the bribe legal in the form of campaign donations. It's interesting that Russia is the lowest even though it's demonized throughout the west for its corruption. I wouldn't be at all surprised to discover that was a big lie. I'd like to see this graph compared to a graph of the size and scope of government for the same countries. I bet they would be nearly identical.

Americans distrust government more than ever. What took so long?

Real Clear Politics summarizes the economic plans of the Republican presidential candidates.

This is one of the best political cartoons I've seen in a long time:
funny pictures


Siri definitely threatens Google, but Google will catch up. I spent 15 years railing against the way Microsoft used monopoly power (granted through other patents) to buy up all the voice recognition patents starting in the early 90s so it could bury the technology in order to save Windows. Imagine if your computer responded to your voice; Windows would be dead and Microsoft knew this. Now that the earliest of those patents are expiring, Apple is kicking everybody's ass with the technology. Voice recognition technology is going to explode so fast, it'll boggle the mind. This is an investment opportunity.

Here's another in the tremendous number of cases where government money corrupted science. In this case, it's a psychologist. This also supports the claim of many libertarians that psychology is a pseudo-science invented to bolster the state.

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