Tuesday, June 21, 2011

When will US troops leave Afghanistan?

Obama previously pledged to begin drawdown of US troops in Afghanistan in 2011. The published plan is for Afghan troops to take over security operations by 2014. US troops have been in Japan since 1945 and Korea since 1953. Obama is scheduled to give a major speech on the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan tomorrow. So...

When will US troops leave Afghanistan?


  1. V in PA7:08 AM

    NEVER! There is a reason US troops are in 150, of the 195 countries, of the world. Because we NEVER leave.

  2. The day that the US government can no longer sell bonds to cover its debt.

    I would suggest that US troops in Afghanistan have a stash of gold and silver to cover the cost of leaving Afghanistan since the US government might not have the money to pay for their departure.

  3. I'm with DJF. The laws of economics cannot be denied.
