GM's CEO wants to see a $1 tax on gas so he can sell more of Obama's mandated Chevy Volts. Corporations always partner with government to loot the people.
Union for card check suddenly wants free and fair elections when another union wants to raid its workers.
It's amazing how people in the private sector continue to innovate despite all the burdens placed on them.
A reminder that while gold is still in a a bear market, it could experience corrections along the way, and a prediction that one is due. A correction is a buying opportunity.
In essay on the end of the welfare state because of bankruptcy, Pat Buchanan reports...
"Chairman Ben Bernanke of the Federal Reserve has signaled that there will be no QE3, no more Fed purchases of $100 billion a month in U.S. government paper. Buyers for that $1.2 trillion a year of U.S. debt will have to be found elsewhere."That sounds lovely, but when interest rates on treasuries rise and Congress threatens to nationalize the Fed, I doubt Helicopter Ben will be so steadfast.
Democrat proposal would push top marginal tax rate to 62 percent. They won't be happy until they transform America in Haiti.
Mises showed that socialism can never work because since government seizes its money from taxpayers, it doesn't have any prices to guide it. Now we get this from the EPA:
"The Environmental Protection Agency informed Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) in a recent letter that it considers itself “prohibited” by law from considering costs when setting National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)."I can't help but laugh.
Government's regulatory burden may be more expensive than the tax burden.
Ron Paul predicts 50 percent inflation in the next few years because he expects the Fed to print money to pay off the massive debt the government has run up. This article doesn't give details like whether he's expecting prices to rise 50 percent total over the next few years or if he thinks the price inflation rate will be 50 percent annually, or if he's thinks the money supply will grow by 50 percent. Regardless, this is a big number.
In an article about the coming bigger financial collapse, we get a hint of the ruling class' plans to deal with that next crisis:
"But how will that save our banks from a crisis that is triggered outside the U.S.? "Mr. Geithner's most serious mistake is to believe that we can handle the failure of a global megabank within the Dodd-Frank framework.""The unspoken solution is a global, centrally planned framework, i.e. one world government. Just to drive the point home...
"There is no cross-border resolution mechanism or other framework that will handle the failure of a bank like Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase or Goldman Sachs in an orderly manner. The only techniques available are those used by Mr. Geithner and his colleagues in September 2008 – a mad scramble to find buyers for assets, backed by Federal Reserve and other government guarantees for creditors."In other words, we need a "cross-border resolution mechanism", i.e. one world government. I've said over and over again Obama's goal is to collapse the US economy under the burden of government. Now we can see that the plan is already in place to take advantage of this coming, orchestrated crisis to create one world government. And before conservatives say that's why we need to elect any Republican to defeat Obama, remember that Bush, Paulson and Bernanke are all part of the same group that orchestrated these crises. Voting for either party will insure that the next crisis, which is already guaranteed by Bernanke's money printing and the US debt, will usher in one world government. In case you don't believe me...
"On June 8, the Wall Street Journal ran a column by Martin Feldstein, who served as Reagan's chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. He is a Harvard faculty member.Feldstein is a Keynesian. He has a reputation as a conservative. He is on the board of contributors to the Journal. He is regarded as a conservative because he favors tax cuts. But he also favors Federal spending in times of crisis. Somehow, he also comes out for a lower deficit.He said that Obama's $830 billion stimulus package did not go far enough. "As for the 'stimulus' package, both its size and structure were inadequate to offset the enormous decline in aggregate demand." The money should have gone to the Defense Department."The anybody but Obama crowd are part of the problem. We need a revolution, and the only candidate in either party offering that is Ron Paul.
New York City teachers claim principals coerce them into cheating.
Plug for Farmageddon.
Climategate creep Phil Jones is at it again.
"Climate warming since 1995 is now statistically significant, according to Phil Jones, the UK scientist targeted in the “ClimateGate” affair.Last year, he told BBC News that post-1995 warming was not significant – a statement still seen on blogs critical of the idea of man-made climate change.
But another year of data has pushed the trend past the threshold usually used to assess whether trends are “real”. Dr Jones says this shows the importance of using longer records for analysis. Short summary: Post 1995 warming now “significant” according to Jones Story title: Global warming since 1995 ‘now significant’"
They have a name for people who prostitute themselves for money, but Jones is worse than a whore. He prostitutes himself for stolen money.
About those rising sea levels... still no sign. Sea level remains flat.
Neither children, the elderly nor the mentally disabled are immune from TSA sexual assaults. I agree with the blogger that it's hard for me to believe that victims of these assaults still fall for the rhetoric about keeping us safe. If this was really the goal, the policy would be different. Believe the actions, not the words.
Every tort reform proposal I hear strikes me as a government non-solution to the government created problem of a corrupt justice system.
Claim that key al Qaeda operative was killed in Somalia. It'll probably never be verified.
George Will asks if Obama is above the law. I assume that's a rhetorical question.
Twitter freak Weiner enters "treatment". What a joke. Treatment is a joke. It's like the modern day version of penance after confession.
Romney opts out of Iowa straw poll.
Barney Frank admits getting his boyfriend a job at Fannie Mae, which he has oversight responsibility for.
Examining how the media questioned the internet a decade or two ago shows that the media is designed to distract people from important issues, not inform them. Every time I watch the news I see this. The coverage of presidential horse races is probably the most glaring example. They never cover the implications of the policies of the candidates, compare their policies to their records or examine the constitutionality of their policies. All they cover is the worthless horse race between two virtually identical candidates.
Most of us have known for a long time that Hollywood uses movies and TV shows to promote a left-wing agenda. This guy got execs to admit it.
Since I was in high school, I've always informed people I do my best problem-solving when I'm asleep. I solved the hardest engineering problems I ever faced when I was asleep. This is no mystery. When you're asleep, your brain sorts information. If you fall asleep thinking about a problem, it prioritizes sorting the information relating to that problem, including information you probably didn't think about before you went to sleep. When you wake up, your brain has presented the problem to you more clearly, and you can solve it more easily. This is such common knowledge that people always advise others to sleep on their problems before making decisions. But scientists are slow, so they just now figured out that people solve problems best while sleeping.
Bilderberg attendee list is a who's who of the ruling class.
Photos document the Japanese recovery from the tsunami.
George Mason University study ranks the relative freedom in the 50 states. New Hampshire is most free. New York is least free. Ohio is 42. Indiana is 3. Kentucky is 32. And we wonder why people are moving out of Ohio into Kentucky and Indiana. People are moving from the least free states to the most free states in droves. Virginia is the freest coastal state. I don't know how Virginia can rank this high with a top income tax rate of 5.75 percent. This correlates pretty well with the Tax Foundation's rankings of states by business climate.
Ukrainian Muslims stone woman to death for competing in a beauty contest.
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