Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Free kibbles


Five years after the housing bubble peaked, foreclosures are still running at record rates. That's because the government is doing everything it can to keep the market from reaching bottom so it can start growing again.


Trying to identify this or that government expenditure as the one that is bankrupting the government is worthless. All government spending makes us poorer. Every dollar government spends it first steals from us, making us poorer. Then every dollar the government spends diverts resources from the productive private sector into the parasitic political economy, making us poorer again. We have to pay for every dollar government spends twice.


Cops escort Charlie Sheen caravan at eighty miles per hour. Cops aid members of the ruling class to break the laws. Imagine if they spotted you doing 80 down city streets.

Janet Napolitano supports the TSA molestation of a six year old under the pretense of making us safer. This is an abomination.

Michigan police performing forensic data analysis of cell phones at traffic stops. You got to be kidding me.


It looks like the ruling class has figured out the pretense it's going to use to put western troops in Libya: evacuating civilians.

This warning of a potential military coup if the government tried to bring all the troops overseas home sounds extremely paranoid. It makes no sense that troops would affect a coup so because they didn't want to be back in America.


Comparison of how similar Obama is to Bush. Like Bush on steroids. It's nice to see somebody in the main stream figure that out. More people are figuring out that it doesn't matter who's in the White House, and that's why Obama is losing support from every demographic in America.

Obama's plan to accelerate the collapse of our economy in order to spark a Marxist revolution.

Somebody is releasing a birther book, and it's number two on Amazon. This birther thing is a huge story, and it's only going to get bigger. If Obama has a birth certificate, whatever it says must be horrific for him to not release it. Then again, we already know the governor of Hawaii, an Obama supporter, has reported Obama's birth certificate does not exist in Hawaii's archives. On December 28 I wrote:
"It's interesting that the incoming governor of Hawaii is a Democrat, Obama ally and knew him as a child and wants to release Obama's full birth certificate. This pits Obama against his core constituency. This lends more credence to my theory that the longer Obama refuses, the more damaging the information must be. If Abercrombie backtracks on this, and that's almost certain to happen, it will do more damage to Obama."
The AP article that link pointed to has been removed. More media cover-up for Obama. Here's basically the same article from the LA Times.


CBS refuses to release the full audio from Obama's hot mike comments. This is similar to the LA Times decision during the campaign not to release recording of Obama at a party with Bill Ayers. The press covers up for their man.


Government once again tries to fix a problem it created.

Jeffrey Tucker identifies three more government attacks on civilization. They won't be happy until we're living in the stone age again, and they really won't be happy then.

The libertarians' darling company Apple busted for creepy tracking feature on the iPhone. I think some libertarians wish corporations were like Randian heroes. None are. They're all in bed with government.

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