Friday, April 08, 2011

Free kibbles


Frugality isn't something we have to endure. It's something we should embrace because it makes us wealthier and more secure. And from another perspective:
"Several years ago, my lifestyle changed dramatically due to a single realization: material possessions cost money; money is time; time is, in a literal sense, life. The foregoing sounds ludicrously obvious, but I had never before looked at my possessions as representing units of time taken from my life."
Not to mention you become a slave to possessions.


Rand Paul's universal stop-gap spending proposal for when no budget is in place. He's already got me sick of the phrase "common sense".


An example of how auto regulations make cars more expensive and less fuel efficient, harming the poor most of all.


Inflation is the number one US export.


Bill will allow teachers to challenge the theory of evolution in science class. Here's another conflict created by government and that can only exist because of government. In a free society, parents would chose their childrens' schools, and there would be no conflict.


New drilling regulations increase the cost and disproportionately harm small wild-cat drillers. That's what all regulations do.

Four to seven inches of snow forecast for Los Angeles. It must be all that global warming.


Ninth Circuit upholds the government's power to seize a traveler's computer and access all its data without a warrant.

One of a million examples of a policeman using his lights to break the law.


It turns out the planes which killed the rebels yesterday were NATO planes. This highlights the fact that our central planners can't tell the factions apart over there. On the importance of critical thinking and no believing everything you hear. Yesterday's story wasn't credible, so I didn't link it. The US and other NATO countries already have special forces and intelligence war fighters on the ground, but they still can't oust Qaddafi. Now they're considering sending in the marines to take him out. To the ruling class, we're all just pawns to use. I'm not the only one who recognizes that western interference in Libya has increased the humanitarian damage, not decreased it as claimed.

Isn't it funny how today's aristocrats always point the unconstitutional actions of past aristocrats to justify their unconstitutional actions? Imagine if bank robbers pointed to the bank robberies of the past to say that bank robberies are legal and murderers pointed to murders of the past to claim murder is legal. One of the waypoints on the road back to freedom must be when the American people refuse to allow aristocrats to point to past unconstitutional actions as justification for new unconstitutional actions. If that never happens, we'll never be free.


Ron Paul is headed to Iowa, which also makes me think he's running.


Lew Rockwell's new political blog, timed to coincide with the start of the 2012 presidential campaign, also makes me think Ron Paul is running.


Springboro city council bars housing development. This is yet another conflict created by government that can only exist because of government. In a free society, the land owner could develop his land however he wanted.


Ludwig von Mises claims that Europeans actually have less of a class distinction where outstanding accomplishment is better recognized than Americans do. That's the exact opposite of common perception.

What will the upcoming American revolution look like?

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