Friday, April 01, 2011

Free kibbles


It looks like we finally had some real job growth in March. Just in time for inflation. Some say this report is still crippled. All government statistics are corrupted to make the government look better than it is.


The US government accepts gifts of money so billionaires who don't think they pay enough in taxes like Warren Buffet can donate more money voluntarily. Funny that he hasn't done that.


Nice self-pat-down April fools joke.


What a great headline.
"State: Drivers make work zones dangerous; 1,200+ crashes last year"
You know what makes the roads dangerous? The state keeping them in a constant state of disrepair. I-75 around Dayton has been under construction for a decade. The plans are for it to be under construction for another decade. Then it'll be under construction for another decade. It'll never end. My first instinct is to say that only government can be that incompetent, but that's incorrect. The goal of government roads, like all government programs, is to loot the people, and government can loot more money from us by keeping the roads in a constant state of disrepair and under construction, so it does.


Why should GE face liability in the Fukushima nuclear plant situation? The plant survived far greater stresses than it had been designed for. If an investigation discovers the containment vessels were flawed, GE will likely face liability then.

So-called public service is anything but. There's nothing noble about stealing from others.

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