Sunday, April 03, 2011

Free kibbles


Republicans make big splash by proposing $4 trillion in cuts over the next ten years according to Washington accounting practices. So first off, these aren't really $4 trillion in cuts. This just means slowing growth by $4 trillion compared to Obama's country-destroying budget.
"In a Fox News Sundayappearance, Ryan said the GOP 2012 budget blueprint would exceed the $4 trillion in spending cuts previously recommended by a presidential debt commission "by cutting spending, reforming entitlements and growing our economy.""
According to establishment Republicans, growing our economy is now a spending cut. Can these guys sound any more like Democrats? It's all a scam. According to Obama his budget would add $7.2 trillion to the debt over ten years. That number is a gross underestimate of how much debt it will really add. The CBO says it's off by $2.3 trillion. That puts us at an additional $9.5 trillion over ten years. That means the Republican proposal increases the debt by over $5 trillion over the next ten years. And those numbers are still grossly underestimated. Worse, whatever they pass will be significantly weaker than this. Our government is a joke, both parties are a joke, and the joke's on us. Kiss America good-bye. It was fun while it lasted.


Anybody who is shocked by this memo describing how Australian MPs could sell a carbon tax is naive.

A little sanity on nuclear power.
"The partial meltdown in Japan has injured 23 people and exposed as many as 21 to levels of radiation higher than is considered safe to receive in one year. Two workers are still missing but are assumed to have been killed by the earthquake or tsunami, not the nuclear accident. No people in the “plume zone” outside the plant have been contaminated to a degree that is expected to affect their health, based on radiation readings so far.
In the months after the world’s worst nuclear disaster, in Chernobyl in 1986, about 50 people died. In the next-biggest accident, at Three Mile Island in 1979, no one did."
It's hard to reconcile these facts with the hysterical news coverage.
"Compared with nuclear power, coal is responsible for five times as many worker deaths from accidents, 470 times as many deaths due to air pollution among members of the public, and more than 1,000 times as many cases of serious illness, according to a study of the health effects of electricity generation in Europe."
And coal is still a phenomenally safe fuel.


Feds spend our money on sting to shut down law dart parts retailer.


The other day Gary North asked what changed around 1800 to launch the western world on an unprecedented increase in the standard of living. Today we get a graph of occupations since 1850. Far and away the most obvious factor in this graph is how many people stopped being farmers. That means that food production per farmer skyrocketed. The second most obvious change is the increase in women in the workforce. Whatever changed, it strongly impacted food production and the social structure allowing women to work.

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