Monday, August 30, 2010

Free kibbles


Obama calls for full-scale attack on economy. This is wonderful reminder that no matter how bad things, they can always get worse.


In a stark reminder that judges have no interest in the law, and because of our absurdly complex laws, they can rule arbitrarily and find any justification in law to back up their rulings, a judge ruled that the Virginia prosecutor failed to present evidence that Michael Mann defrauded the citizens of Virginia with his hockey stick graph and blocked the prosecutor's attempt to obtain Mann's data. This is a great victory for the proponents of fraud and secrecy and terrible defeat for the champions of freedom, openness and science. Science cannot exist without free access to data. Mann is an enemy of science.


I wouldn't be surprised at pseudo-amnesty for illegal aliens as an October surprise. Everything Obama does is bad for him politically and bad for the country, but I'm not so sure this bad for him politically. Republicans are already fired up and Democrats are not. It's hard to see how this would energize Republicans any more, but it might energize Democrats. Obama's either stupid or evil, mostly evil I think, and amnesty for illegals fits his agenda and his pattern.


I don't care whether Republicans give voters another contract with America or not. What I want to hear is an admission that they screwed up big-time while Bush was in office. I want to hear them repudiate their big-government ways of the past. That's never going to happen though.

This one is easy:
"How could a bunch of people who ran such a brilliant campaign be doing such a lousy job at the politics of governing?"
Obama is a communist ideologue. He's intent on destroying America and turning it into Mao's China. Anybody who hasn't figured that out yet is a moron. Campaigns are just words. Candidates say whatever it takes to get elected. Governing is an action. Actions have consequences, and the consequences of more central planning can only be bad. Frankly, I think Obama believes he's done a fine job of governing. He's advanced his agenda considerably in a very short time.


"Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters" I'm surprised it's that low.

Have you ever noticed how there's no controversy of the number of people who attend liberal rallies? Everybody agrees they're always huge even though they never look huge. But when a conservative like Glenn Beck has a huge rally, there's controversy.


Telling statistics, mostly about race:
"By age 4 the average child in a professional family hears 20 million more words than the average child in a working-class family and about 35 million more than the average child in a welfare family."

This guy's is exactly right: big government, big business and big labor are conspiring to run our country for their own benefit even more than they have in the past. But the only difference between what's going on now and what's gone on in the past is a matter of degree. This is another step down the Road to Serfdom which we've been marching down for a century at least, and we're very nearly at the end. Economic collapse and serfdom is right about the corner if we don't do a 180 fast. As far as socialism goes, that's Obama's goal. This fascist step is only an intermediate step to communism on Obama's path. He's already nationalized Fannie, Freddie, AIG, GM and more. That's pure socialism.

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