Friday, August 06, 2010

Free kibbles


Obama economists pretend to be shocked that unemployment is going up, as if it wasn't by their design.

Housing prices set to fall again.


Obama to steal more money from us and bailout underwater homeowners in the biggest vote-buying scheme in history. Congress has made itself so irrelevant that Obama does anything he wants and forces Congress to try and stop him, but there's not enough votes for that.

Lord Geithner claims that raising taxes is necessary for the economy to recover. There isn't one instance in history when raising taxes boosted the economy. And Geithner and Obama know this. They're intentionally damaging us.

Social Security will pay out more than it takes in this year - much sooner than predicted.

All Senate Democrats vote to raise taxes on individuals and small businesses.
"By defeating DeMint’s amendments today, Democrats approved tax increases on all marginal tax brackets that will rise significantly on individuals, families, and small business to their pre-2001 levels, which were five tax rates of 15%, 28%, 31%, 36%, and 39.6%."
Don't fall for that baloney that these are just taxes on the rich. These are taxes on everybody who pays taxes.

Harry Reid defends spending stimulus money on research of cocaine in monkey brains. Researchers need jobs too.

Food stamp use hits record high.

It costs government $5,525 per customer to provide broadband.


Oregon government shuts down seven year old's lemonade stand, citing public safety because she didn't have a license.


The IMF pushes for a global central bank and one world currency.


More on the blacklist of man-made global warming skeptics.

Crews find ship lost in 1853 far north of the Arctic Circle in the Northwest passage. So contrary to all the baloney about the unprecedented loss of arctic sea ice, the north pole had similar sea ice in 1853.

Video documents how President Obama blocked efforts to clean up the Gulf oil spill.


This is a fundamental reason behind the rise of our police state:
"I must admit that I am at the point in my life where I expect the police, prosecutors, and judges to break the law, and to give the rest of us the middle finger.
There are many reasons for this lawlessness, but it seems to me that immunity that the courts and legislatures have conferred on police, prosecutors, judges, and others in the "justice" system is the root cause of the problem. People who know they can lie, break the law, fabricate false evidence, and not have to face legal sanctions are not going to feel constrained to act in a trustworthy manner. (What the courts and legislatures are saying, ironically, is that police, prosecutors, and judges should not be subject to the same legal procedures that are imposed upon the rest of us. As in Orwell’s Animal Farm, some animals are more equal than others.)"
Power corrupts.

American police continue to transform into a military force operating against American citizens.


Pat Buchanan rips Republicans for supporting an Israeli strike on Iran.

Ron Paul rips the undeclared war in Pakistan.
"We are not at war with Pakistan. Congress has made no declaration of war. (Actually, we made no declaration of war on Iraq or Afghanistan either, but that is another matter.) Yet we have troops in Pakistan engaging in hostile activities, conducting drone attacks and killing people. We sometimes manage to kill someone who has been identified as an enemy, yet we also kill about 10 civilians for every 1 of those. Pakistani civilians are angered by this, yet their leadership is mollified by our billions in bribe money. We just passed an appropriations bill that will send another $7.5 billion to Pakistan. One wonders how much of this money will end up helping the Taliban. This whole operation is clearly counterproductive, inappropriate, immoral and every American who values the rule of law should be outraged. Yet these activities are being done so quietly that most Americans, as well as most members of the House, don’t even know about them."
We cannot win the war on terror with bombs and bullets.


What's the matter with Democrats using tea parties to defeat Republicans? Running candidates to split votes is  a time honored tradition that reminds us that both parties care about nothing but power.


State takes kids from parents who named them after famous Nazis. As abominable as those parents are, I imagine foster care is worse.

Of course doctors are trying to profit from the rise in cosmetic surgery. People want the service. Doctors want to provide and get well compensated for it. Everybody wins.

New car runs on human waste.

Women are attracted to men who wear red.

More on the Obama-Rangel plan to force Americans to be slaves to the government for two years.

State governments ban collecting rain water on your own property.

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