Thursday, August 05, 2010

Free kibbles


GM is investing $500 million of our tax dollars in a new plant in Mexico. The government is robbing us blind on the one hand and driving jobs out of the country on the other.


I can't help but laugh at Lord Geithner's claims about the economic recovery. What a joke.


We keep falling deeper and deeper into the theater of the absurd as Snooki (who the hell is Snooki?) points out that Obama's tax on tanning beds is a tax on white people. Why do we care who it's a tax on? It's a tax, therefore it's evil. Who is taxed is unimportant.


BP plugs oil leak with top-kill method. That should be cause for celebration, but not for the enviro-Marxists. They're only happy during disasters.


The top 5 federal criminal districts are on the Mexican border. Duh. If the feds banned Maine lobster instead of marijuana and cocaine, Maine would be the top criminal district. All it tells us is our laws are stupid and oppressive.


Chinese developing superfast missile to sink US carriers. Certainly a mach 10 missile would be a credible threat, but I find it hard to believe that the navy can't develop technology and techniques to counter it. Point defense lasers come to mind.


This is an excellent definition of politics:
"[A] strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage."
That's exactly right.

Cato claims Obama administration won't admit it's failing. Baloney. They're not failing. They're succeeding at destroying America faster than they had dared hope. Quit falling for the rhetoric. Obama and his allies are Marxists hell-bent on collapsing the US and sparking a Marxist revolution. Don't you know what the code word "fundamental change" means? Obama envisions himself as America's Lenin, and fools like Rahn who refuse to see him for who he is are making it easier for him to destroy our country.

Liberals sure don't like owning up to being liberal.

Only a select few historians who can be counted on to love power-hungry, law-breaking presidents get chosen to rank presidents.


Republican congressman Mike Turner reminds everybody in the country that neither he nor Republicans support property rights or limited government when he asks President Obama to block the sale and probable demolition of the Moraine ex-GM plant. I guess he thinks the president has the power and the wisdom to determine what should be done with property, not the supposed property owners.


The Constitution does not mention marriage, therefore the federal government has no power over marriage.

Every man has a right to govern his own life but no man, nor any number of men, have a right to govern the lives of others.

Because the people don't elect the members of the Senate to obey the Constitution, they confirm Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court despite her acknowledgement she doesn't give a damn about the Constitution.

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