Monday, August 09, 2010

Free kibbles


Prediction of much higher food prices in the near future.


Democrat lies about taxes and the facts to refute them.

What planet has this guy been living on?
"Politicians are reviving the notion that intervening in individual industries and companies can drive growth and create jobs (see article)."
Reviving? When did politicians ever think otherwise? This idea that something fundamental has changed in politics is embarrassingly wrong and harmful. Politics has always been about looting the people. It's always been about using the government's gun to intervene in the economy to legitimize stealing money to benefit politicians and their cronies at the expense of everybody else. Stop acting like this is something new.

Entitlement mentality is the major road-block to cutting government spending. Tell me something I don't know. This is a better article on the subject.

Paul Krugman blames lack of government funding, not the looting of the people by government, for roads disintegrating and street lights going out. Have you ever seen a disintegrating toll road? Of course not. Do you really think free people would allow their streets to disintegrate and street lights to go out? Of course not. Only government could create such problems, especially why continuing to pay fat cat salaries to bureaucrats who do no work.


The blood diamond scam created to prevent competition for diamond suppliers and to insure people in poor African countries don't receive full value for their work.

Government regulation of our food already makes our food more expensive and less safe by taking the responsibility for food safety from the producers, setting low-ball standards, and having politically connected producers manipulate and ignore those standards to they can avoid making a safe product, but the federal government is not satisfied with doing that much harm to our food supply. They want to harm it more with even more regulations in the name of national security.


The Fed is finally ready to admit the economy is not recovering like they told us it was. We know that. This is just an admission the so-called experts at the Fed were either wrong or lying once again.

The government has killed the American dream of amassing wealth and passing it on to your children so they don't have to work as hard as you.


This is why the most dangerous situation nearly every American will ever endure is a run-in with a cop.
"Victor Steen, a 17-year-old high school senior from West Pensacola, Florida, was murdered while riding a bicycle home from a post-Homecoming Game party last October 3rd.  His murderer, Jerald Ard, ran him down in an automobile. According to eyewitnesses, Ard dragged the victim a considerable distance, nearly severing his body in half.

Ard had endangered other drivers and pedestrians as he veered into the wrong lane and even drove onto a sidewalk in pursuit of Victor, repeatedly attempting to shoot the teenager with a lethal weapon. After he ran down the youngster, Ard tried to cover up his crime by planting a gun on the victim.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Ard is a police officer. Nor should it be considered unusual that he will suffer no significant punishment for his act of vehicular homicide: After it was established last April that Ard’s actions had exposed Victor “to unreasonable risk of harm and injury” — gee, ya think? — Capt. Jay Worley suspended Ard for two weeks without pay."
Cops are above the law. They can and often do kill with impunity. They kill with the backing of their fellow cops, their management, prosecutors, judges, politicians and the people. We've created a monster, and it is killing us.


60,000 children are born to illegal immigrants in Texas each year, becoming anchor babies. That's yet another great reminder that our government is worse than worthless. The American people would control our borders by evicting trespassers if government hadn't stolen that right from them.


I don't need Victor Davis Hansen to tell me that Obama could salvage his presidency like Clinton did if he abandoned his agenda and triangulated like Clinton did but that he won't because he's a dangerous ideologue while Clinton was just a self-serving pervert. Apparently I'm quite the know-it-all tonight and don't need to read this crap.

Beware Democrats in the lame duck session.


The liberal propaganda media refused to report on the case of voter intimidation by the New Black Panthers.


Study shows that personality changes little after first grade which explains why everybody I run into acts like a child. I wonder how come I'm the exception.

Walter Williams blames the problems on blacks squarely on the shoulders of their own bad behavior with only a passing mention to the race leaders who profit from excusing and even encouraging that bad behavior, but I think this essay fails because it doesn't bring up how government policy - the war on drugs, welfare, the minimum wage, and every other law on the books because laws by definition limit options for people, enforcing the status quo - traps blacks in poverty and promotes that bad behavior.

Stephen Hawking declares man must move into space within a century or go extinct. This is a powerful reminder that even the smartest of people are prone to fits of silly alarmism.

100 years after the fact, conservatives have just realized that the income tax, the Federal Reserve and the popular election of senators is a bad thing. They didn't think these were bad things when Bush was in office. They're only bad because Obama is in office. If a Republican wins the White House conservatives will think these are good things again. Welcome to the centralized power of government is bad camp if only a century late and temporarily.

An android may be the next huge singing idol in Japan. Idoru was the William Gibson book on the subject.

Suddenly conservatives recognize the broken window fallacy which they never seem to grasp when Republicans are in power.

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