Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Free kibbles

Mises scholar explains that the cash for clunker program is another example of the broken window fallacy and along with other market perversions will immediately increase the price for clunkers to just under $4,500, excluding poor people from being able to buy much needed personal transportation.

Senate sustains filibuster of bill allowing Americans to carry concealed weapons across state lines.

Functional, artificial human brain will be built within in 10 years.

Hillary Clinton threatens severe consequences if Iran and North Korea don't stop developing nuclear weapons. What's she going to do, tongue lash them a second time? That didn't even stop her husband from philandering. I'm sure the mullahs and Kim Jong Il are quaking in their boots. What's this crap about extending our nuclear umbrella to Persian Gulf countries? These aristocrats are dumber than dirt. I have a foolproof plan to stop nuclear proliferation in its tracks. Bomb North Korea's nuclear facilities into dust, and make it clear to Iran we'll do the same to its facilities if it doesn't allow full access so we can verify it isn't developing weapons.

President Obama is trying to pressure the head of the Congressional Budget Office to be biased. Obama already knows the suggestions the head of the CBO have to cut health care costs. He doesn't need an unprecedented invitation to the White House to find that out. This meeting has to be about intimidation.

Walter Williams discusses good intentions.

Thomas Woods writes a great essay describing the Austrian theory of the business cycle and how it applies to our current crisis. Video explanation from Thomas Woods of why there was no great depression in 1920 - government didn't intervene.

Banks used TARP money to pay off debts, invest and buy other banks, which they weren't supposed to do. Government breeds corruption.

SEIU sighting again. Apparently Obama's green building upgrade program is more payback to this union.

Nancy Pelosi knows the honeymoon is over so she's pushing for a vote on health care oppression next week.

Boortz provides a list of 13 onerous facts about the proposed health care oppression bill with references to back up each one. I like the one about our taxes being higher than every major western country but Denmark.

Obama is just an unbelievable liar. He says that we government needs to take more control of our health care sector to reduce deficits. He's claiming more government spending will reduce deficits. He's right about out of control Medicare and Medicaid spending, but that just shows that government is our problem, not the solution to our problem. I believe the American people will see through this. They will think he's either a fool or a shameless liar. I'm hoping like crazy this ends Obama's presidency.

I just watched a few minutes of Chris Mathews on MSNBC, the guy who gets tingles up his leg when he listens to Obama, and they think Obama failed to make his case tonight. That's great news. If the cheerleaders at MSNBC aren't excited about Obama's speech, nobody else will be either. Howard Fineman, another Obama cheerleader from MSNBC and Newsweek, calls the speech "lackluster". In fact, Fineman blast Obama pretty good in this essay:
"His prime time press conference was worse than a waste of time. He spent an hour (with the aide of a soporific White House press corps) pouring sand (one grain at a time) into the already-slowing gears of the machinery of health-care reform."
On the same subject, the New York Times is running article with the headline "Experts Dispute Some Points In Health Care Talk". That's amazing critical from the New York Times.

Apparently I'm not the only person who thinks if this health care push fails, Obama's presidency is over. Some Republican Senator called a health care failure Obama's Waterloo. Nice analogy. I was the first to mention it though, at least as far as I know. Understanding this should give Republicans extra motivation to stop this disaster before it happens.

Obama's health care plan isn't socialism yet. It's fascism with the goal of transforming into socialism.

I completely agree with Bill Kristol's suggestion to kill Obamacare and start over. As I posted the other day, Republicans would be making a horrible mistake if they compromised.

While Britain is headed to the right, the US is headed to the left. But these different directions are no surprise. Liberals were in power in Britain when the collapse hit and Republicans were in power in the US a long time until right before the collapse hit. Americans blamed the Republicans. The British blame the liberals. It just goes to show that their policies are so similar that both are terribly destructive to freedom and prosperity. But don't be fooled. Britain's conservative aristocrats don't want to shrink government any more than Republican aristocrats want to do it here. I'm going on record saying if Cameron cuts spending at all, it will be by at most a token amount just to make the claim he did it.

This is a nice mini-review of Google Wave.

It shows you how boring the moon is when a new rover is going up to explore an Apollo landing site.

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