Monday, July 20, 2009

Free kibbles.

We like to talk about pork barrel projects, but if you go to the Drudge Report right now you can see that a bunch of pork barrel projects in the stimulus boondoggle were for the purchase of ham. With links. You can't make this stuff up. I'm not going to link them all here though. In defense of ham.

Reason exposes the public health care option scam and says if Democrats really wanted to lower costs they would reduce regulations. This is all about government grabbing more power for the aristocrats at our expense.

I'm glad to read Democrats are ready to deal on health care. I propose Congress end all the direct payments, subsidies direct and indirect, mandates and regulations that increase the cost of health insurance and health care and make us less healthy. Please knock down the states' trade barriers to health insurance. Freedom, not more government oppression, is the solution to our health care issues.

Reason reports that Obama achieved neither the success the left wants us to believe nor the failure the right wants us to believe, but somewhere in between with Russia. This is an excellent criticism of both sides.

Capitalism in drama and a celebration of the movie Wall Street, which most certainly did not leave the impression Oliver Stone expected.

Bernanke defends the Fed and his dictatorial powers from demands for oversight. Since Bernanke was the force behind the housing boom, pressuring Greenspan to reduce interest rates far too low in the wake of 9/11, and has so irresponsibly trashed our money supply during the crisis he caused, what else would you expect? Would you expect him to show up and admit his errors? I can't see Bernanke going, "Oops. Sorry I trashed the economy worse than it's been trashed since the Great Depression. My bad. I'll try to do better next time."

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