Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Free kibbles

Cato explains why hate crime legislation will backfire, but it wasn't until I read this essay that I fully understood Democrats' motivation for hate crime legislation:
"The law would expand federal jurisdiction from crimes motivated by the victim's race, color, religion, or national origin to include the victim's gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability. It also disconnects the prosecution from traditional civil rights statutes such that whole categories of intrastate crimes successfully prosecuted by state courts would become the business of the federal government."
This is just another gigantic federal power grab. I should have known that all along, but I got distracted by the rhetoric, just like Democrats planned. This legislation is a power grab and a way to further divide the nation and encourage extremists and is therefore a path to greater power grabs in the future. It's always the same with aristocrats. More power! More power! More power!

Boortz praises Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny. I wonder what Levin thinks about the pledge of allegiance. It was written by a socialist during the socialist movement and is clearly designed to subordinate the people to the state - exactly what Levin condemns in this excerpt. It's one thing to say you condemn statism. I'd like to know if Levin practices what he preaches.

Democrats plan to raise taxes on the rich to fund health care oppression. This is guaranteed to backfire. This will reduce the number of rich people, cost jobs and reduce revenue. This new tax is in addition to raising taxes by allowing Bush's tax cuts to expire. I thought Obama promised he wasn't a tax and spend Democrat. He'll forever be known as THE tax and spend Democrat.

Al Gore finally comes out and admits his global warming scam is intended to create one world government.
"“But it is the awareness itself that will drive the change and one of the ways it will drive the change is through global governance and global agreements.”"
This scam has always been about money, power and Marxism. More on the real goals of this fraud:
""A climate change response must have at its heart a redistribution of wealth and resources,” said Emma Brindal, a climate justice campaigner coordinator for Friends of the Earth."
It's funny that they're getting so brazen and honest since their movement is on the brink of collapse. We are at a tipping point, though. If the Senate passes the bill, the facts and the opinion of the people won't matter. Government will have its new, oppressive powers. Sen. Boxer knows the tax and trade bill is in jeopardy, so she's spouting the alarmism.

I certainly hope this is the end of Obamamania, but I'm not holding my breath.

Obama writes Washington Post op-ed changing his story about the effects of his stimulus boondoggle.

AIG is begging Pharaoh Obama to allow it to pay bonuses to its employees.

California city wants to take pictures of every license plate entering and leaving the city. Naturally government lovers see no problem with this.

The stop sign as a symbol of oppression by the state. Jeffrey Tucker is distraught at the workings of the justice system.
"The machine continued to operate. The judge hardly looked up, not even to notice how well these nice but exceedingly poor people dressed in an attempt to impress him. They and their lives meant nothing. It was all about keeping the machine working.

Finally 11 AM rolls around. The court had already raised for itself some $20,000, from my calculation. The judge says that there will be a short recess before he hears the not-guilty cases, mine among them. He will then assign public defenders to those whose income is low enough and then schedule jury hearings.

In other words, I would have to wait and then return at some later date. I realized that there was more involved in beating tickets than I knew. I would need to make it my vocation — and perhaps not prevail.

My kids, who came with me, persuaded me that this was hopeless and ridiculous and very costly. I should declare my guilt and pay the $200 and be free. They didn't want their dad entangled anymore in this system. This is what I did, and I was free to go and join the multitudes who put up with this system of blackmail and money extraction every hour and know better than to attempt to use the system to challenge it.

Most people in my position would have never gone to court, and they will never seen just how cruel this system is for the poor, for minorities, and for everyone who gets tangled up in this web of coercion and legalized plunder.

But now I understand something more fully that I once only understood abstractly. I see how utterly ridiculous it is to think that the state can be the right means to help those who are poor or living at the margins of society. The state is their enemy, as it is for everyone else."
That's how it is.

Democrats blame tax cuts in stimulus for its failure. Naturally. They prefer Dayton have more roads torn up with nobody working on them. I wonder how much economic activity and revenue Dayton is losing because so many roads are torn up and nobody is working on them.

Over $400 million stimulus has created 50 jobs, only 34 full time and all temporary, in New Hampshire. That's $8.27 million, or 165 $50,000 a year productive jobs, plus the productive jobs that those jobs create, sucked out of the economy for each unproductive, temporary government job.

Minority broadcasters ask for bailout. I doubt anybody thinks they are too big to fail. I bet this was set up by Obama to give him the opportunity to push his broadcast localism plan.

Democrats introduce health oppression bill. Time to write and call the representatives.

White House to combat urban sprawl. Maybe Obama should sell his Rezko financed home and move into a townhouse.

Judge Sotomayor lies about her opinion that a wise latino woman can make better judicial decisions than a white man and Republicans grill her for it. Good for them. Don't let her pretend that was one comment. She said it multiple times. She ruled that in the recent descrimination case. I love that they forced her to repudiate Obama's desire for empathy in a judge. They should follow that same approach and get her to say that she differs from Obama by supporting the rule of law while he doesn't.

Here's an aspect of socialized medicine we don't talk about enough - the British NHS sends leaflets to school kids telling them they have a right to a enjoyable sex life and that an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away. The article doesn't say what ages received the leaflet, but in a story that must be considered related because it shows a pattern, Clinton's Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders thinks kindergarten children should be taught sex education.

Obama is trying to seize control of community colleges too. He won't be satisfied until the government controls everything in America.

Great question from Pat Buchanan. "When Republican identification is down to 20 percent, but 40 percent of Americans identify themselves as conservatives, do Republicans need a GPS to tell them which way to go?" But Republicans don't want limited government. They want power just like every other aristocrat. The real question is when will conservatives figure that out and stop voting Republican.

Thomas Sowell laments the disparity in basketball ability between Michael Jordan and himself. The Federal government should punish Michael Jordan so Sowell can have social justice. Funny because it's so true.

Chuck Norris takes on the Fed and provides a summary of the business cycle:
"[T]he Federal Reserve is flat-out bad for the economy in the long run because it creates false fronts or temporary escalations in the free market, which eventually cycle around and lead to downturns or more need for other Fed fixes. Even if it creates several cycles of credit rushes (which it deems as "signs of prosperity"), sooner or later, the false foundation crumbles and we find ourselves in an economic hole that the Fed can't bail us out of -- which is exactly where we are now in this recession."
Chuck pulls no punches:"
The fact is the Federal Reserve is one of the best examples of government control run amok and its oppression over its people. It rules by dangling carrots, cheap rates and loans before the American public, which in turn oppresses people by their inability to resist further debt. The Fed is the dealer in greed and debt, and its drugs are easy money and credit. Under the Federal Reserve System, Americans and our economy have to return to the Federal Reserve for repeated fixes like a drug addict. Otherwise everything goes into the tank.
That's why I believe, along with Ron Paul and others, that the Federal Reserve needs to be abolished. The U.S. ran just fine without it -- before its inception, in 1913. We had financial crises before its existence and after it, but its intervention has been proved historically only to make things worse. Our Founders never would have tolerated its abusive power or methods of bribery. It is a detriment to not only the economy but also the very existence of a representative form of government and all Americans who want to experience true freedom."
Go Chuck! Chuck Norris gets it, he's writing about it and that can only be good for us. I want to see a video of Chuck Norris busting up Ben Bernanke Walker, Texas Ranger-style. ;) Can Chuck Norris kick the Fed's ass? Tune in next week...

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