Saturday, August 25, 2007

Free kibbles

of 20,000 people detained for being on the terrorist list, very few were arrested. This list sounds more like an assault on civil liberties to me. I don't have a problem with a list, but it has to be reasonably accurate, and this one obviously isn't.

Pakistan tests nuclear capable cruise missile.

CIA steps up operations against Iran. I should hope so.

Iraqi man sacrifices himself to save US soldiers and other Iraqi civilians.

The additional US troops in Iraq are detaining more suspected terrorists. Good. That's why the violence is going down.

Sole surviving son leaves Iraq after 2 bothers die.

Joint Chiefs to recommend significant troop cuts in Iraq by middle of next year. Ever since Bush announced the surge, we knew that significant troop cuts would have to follow in 2008 because of a strained military and the upcoming election. Democrats would have been wise to be supportive until that natural draw down occurred.

New York City taxi drivers threaten to strike over GPS tracking. Good for them. They've taken the vanguard position against the surveillance society.

Record low unemployment leaves fast food window job unfilled.

93 year old charged with trafficking cocaine. Along with welfare, that's why unemployment is so low. Who would want to work in a fast food drive-through when the War on Drugs pays so much more to people who traffic in cocaine?

Should government regulate open source UAVs for national security reasons?

Why do Sikhs think their hats (turbans) are immune from airport searches when nobody else's are?

Reason exposes how a child advocate gamed the media. The trial we just lost shows how child advocates and false accusers game the judicial system. If you declare yourself a child advocate, it destroys all skepticism in observers, enabling the advocate to get away with things they never could normally.

Reason on Hugo Chavez and his socialist enablers. He's destroying his country.

Reason says Obama, Brownback, and Paul are the only presidential candidates who support transparency on government spending.

Reason on higher education and the copyright wars.

Slate is all wrong about the electoral college. The United States is not built on majority rule but on state's rights and protection of rights. We are not a democracy but a Constitutional Republic, thank goodness.

Florida votes to move primary before Democratic party specifications, and Democrats threaten to disenfranchise. They have to, or there will be no end to states moving their primaries forward. Florida whines like little girls.

Democrats criticize Hillary for talking about potential terror attacks. Democrats will not allow anybody, even Hillary to acknowledge the threat to America. How bizarre.

Fred Thompson continues to tease Republicans. You'd think he would have learned long ago that nobody likes a tease.

Newly discovered fossil teeth show that humans separated from the other apes much longer ago than originally thought. That probably explains why we're so much different than other apes are from each other.

Empty spot
in the universe.

Science shows there's nothing magical about out-of-body experiences.

Boortz has some amazing stats on warrantless wiretaps and terrorist surveillance.

England allows cops to ban people from drinking for 2 days. What?

Taxpayer funded Islamic schools in Columbus.

Illegal immigrants are self-deporting from Tulsa because officials have threatened to pass laws deporting them. Once the economic incentive is gone, illegal immigrants will leave.

UN attempts to restrict US proposals on global warming to UN guidelines. We don't answer to the UN.

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