Sunday, August 05, 2007

Free kibbles

The House also votes to expand the Commander in Chief's warrantless wiretapping powers. Democrats have been seriously exposed for the hypocrites they are. Since the Constitution grants the President power to wage war, which obviously includes collecting intelligence on the enemy, no legislation was necessary. This new legislation just expands Congress' power beyond Constitutional constraints and sets up a Constitutional showdown in the future.

House passes clean energy bill that cuts tax breaks for oil companies and promotes renewable energy. If this were to become law, it would immediately raise gasoline prices, encourage oil companies to take their jobs overseas, and it would continue to drive up energy prices by funding more expensive energy sources. This bill couldn't be more backwards.

US troops have killed the al Qaeda mastermind of the Golden Dome bombing. Hell, yeah.

Al Qaeda seems capable of making tapes and little else. Bush's success at defending America is lolling us to sleep.

The NYTimes reduces paper to standard size to cut costs.

A Drudge reports that Ron Paul won the Republican debate with 45% of the vote. Giuliani is second with 22%, and Romney third with 18%. ABC online poll has Ron Paul at 57%. Internet users love Ron Paul.

Republican debate in Iowa.

Democrats debate for loony left bloggers.

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