Monday, August 13, 2007

Free kibbles

Russia and China's new Cold War of Terror resembles the old Cold War more and more every day. Russia is not sending bombers close to US airspace in Cold War style provocations.

US sends Coast Guard ship to support claim to North Pole. This sounds like something from a 3 Stooges or Marx brothers' movie. Maybe we'll get a new Christmas special this season - how Santa defeated the most powerful nations on earth.

Chinese toy magnate commits suicide after being exposed for using poisonous lead paint.

Brazil slows the destruction of the Amazon rain forest. About time. Let's hope they can stop it.

The architect of Republican's titanic government, Republicans terrible 2006 defeat, and the policies that divided the nation, Karl Rove, is resigning. Good riddance. Republicans should have stuck to Reagan's vision. The country would be united and improving instead of fragmented and sinking. Rove would be the kiss of death for Thompson. America is demanding a change, not a candidate who embraces more Bushism.

Pentagon refutes idea that US may adopt a draft. Duh.

Arctic sea ice predicted to be at record low. The glaciers must not be calving as much ice into the sea.

Reason wonders if we should trust the same Congress who allowed our infrastructure to decay to fix it. That's a rhetorical question.

Reason follows Ron Paul at the Republican straw poll in Iowa.

Christopher Hitchens explodes the absurd myth that al Qaeda in Iraq is not al Qaeda.

Bendable battery invented.

Former BBC editor on liberal bias at the BBC and the media in general.

Nobody in the accomplice media mentions that Huckabee's success in Iowa may (probably is, imo) due to his support for the FairTax.

Michael Yon discusses the moral authority our military has earned in Iraq, and how it is promoting political progress that isn't necessarily the political change Washington demands.

Robert Novak writes about an incident that exposes the corruption and the contempt for taxpayers by both parties in the House of Representatives.

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