Monday, August 06, 2007

Free kibbles

Bush authors executive order allowing seizure of property for anybody working to undermine Lebanon's government. This order is similar to his previous order allowing seizures of property for groups supporting terrorists in Iraq, except this one is far more broad.

FBI raids home of former DOJ Attorney, looking for leaker of the classified wiretap program. I hope they catch the leaker.

Legislation targeting global warming would raise energy prices and hurt the economy. Duh!

The public is unaware of the threat to privacy from data sharing and the surveillance society. No kidding. It's happening so fast, and there's no coordinated effort to educate the public about the consequences.

Pentagon cannot account for 30% of weapons it had supplied to Iraqi security forces. Why would anybody think they could account for them? Our soldiers have better things to do in Iraq, like stay alive and kill our enemies, than following around Iraqis, keeping track of their weapons. This is why bureaucrats have no place in war.

Constructive talks between Israeli PM Olmert and Palestinian leader Abbas. I don't remember the heads of Israel and the Palestinians ever meeting without a third party before.

Russians erect giant cross to remember Stalin's purges. I wonder if this will stand for long.

Iran begins production of first fighter jet, reverse engineered from US jet. It appears to be a US trainer.

Economic concerns drive down oil prices.

Chertoff discusses specific terror plots and the threat of terrorism.

Slate article claims that US policy supported torture. I haven't read the linked article on the subject.

The American public is learning about the successes of the surge, because even the AP is reporting them.

Newsweek puts out a new form of global warming propaganda. This isn't a distortion of science, it's an attack on skeptics, incorrectly labeled deniers. This article doesn't mention that the funds going to promote the global warming con dwarf the funds of skeptics.

Reason on anti-Kelo legislation intended to stop imminent domain abuse.

Sarkozy has a melt down dealing with US photographers. Apparently he isn't used to the US press.

Presidential debate in Spanish. You have got to be kidding me. How stupid are Democrats? This will definitely push voters to Republicans.

Store owner loses lease because he doesn't speak Spanish. That's the free market in action, but it highlights how the market has been twisted by illegal immigration.

Loony left bloggers consider unionizing. That's so funny, I can hardly stand it.

Huckabee wants Congress to have same health care plan as Americans. What a novel idea. Congress being restricted by laws just like normal Americans.

Pot legalization advocates winning softball games in Washington, but not getting any legislation passed.

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